The fourth installment of "Shokugeki no Soma's" anime adaptation concluded just a few days after it was confirmed that there would be "Food Wars" season 5. Considering the remaining manga chapters to be covered by the TV show, the Fifth Plate is very likely the anime's final season.
‘Food Wars’ season 5 source materials
“Food Wars” season 5 was one of the biggest announcements at the Jump Festa 2020 earlier this month. It made certain that the Fourth Plate is only a single-cour installment as episode 12 marks its finale. This gives fans a major hint at how long the Fifth Plate would be since the manga-to-anime adaptation of this series has had quite a consistent pacing.
The Fourth Plate concluded with the events from chapter 264, where Megumi narrates the updates to several main characters and how Totsuki has changed since the Rebels won the team shokugeki. This could mean that “Food Wars” season 5 is slated to start right at the opening of the Hot Spring Investigation arc, followed by the Beach Exam arc – these two have less than 20 chapters combined.
Following these storylines is the final part of the entire series called the BLUE arc with over 30 chapters only. This means that, overall, “Food Wars” season 5 only has around 50 chapters to cover through the ultimate finale.
‘Food Wars’ season 5 release date, episode count
Based on the pacing in the previous seasons, these numbers suggest that “Food Wars” season 5 is where the anime series will end. As for its episode count, given the source materials left, the Fifth Plate is also going to be a single-cour that could have 12 to 13 episodes.
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma returns in April 2020!! ????????????
— Crunchyroll (@Crunchyroll) December 27, 2019
Luckily, fans no longer have to wait and guess for a very long time like they did before the announcement of the Fourth Plate. When “Food Wars” season 5 was announced at this year’s Jump Festa, the series was confirmed to return sometime in April 2020 with new episodes. The exact date could be revealed within a month or a few weeks before the premiere.