In the world of animated movies, “Frozen 2” is definitely one of the highly anticipated titles yet to hit the big screen. And there has been an interesting plot twist some fans have been suggesting over the years — Queen Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel) falling in love with Jack Frost (voiced by Chris Pine).
For the past five years, the love story of Queen Elsa and Jack Frost is one of the favorite fanfictions online. Fans have been really supportive of the idea of a crossover between “Frozen 2” and “Rise of the Guardians.” There was even an online petition to convince the movie producers to make this a reality.
A quick search of “Queen Elsa and Jack Frost” online will lead fans to a number of fan-made short stories and music videos where the “Frozen 2” main protagonist meets and falls in love with the Guardian of Fun. But what are the chances for this team-up to actually happen?
Just by looking up the production companies that handle “Frozen 2” and “Rise of the Guardians,” it is not hard to realize the unlikelihood of this crossover. The “Frozen” franchise is owned by Disney while “Rise of the Guardians” was produced by DreamWorks.
It is also important to note that these stories are set in completely different times and worlds. “Frozen 2” happens in a fictional kingdom named Arendelle during a much earlier era. “Rise of the Guardians,” on the other hand, is clearly set in the present time and Jack even threw a tantrum somewhere in Antarctica. Making the Queen Elsa-Jack Frost love team would be a great fan service but their similarities end with snow and ice.
Meanwhile, Queen Elsa’s love interest is one of the most anticipated storylines in “Frozen 2.” Not having a man save her from her ordeal in the first movie was a revolutionary step for Disney, which was obviously appreciated by fans around the world. So it is interesting how the writers and producers are going to handle this in the much-awaited sequel slated to premiere on Nov. 22, 2019.