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McDonald’s Metaverse Debuts in Singapore, Letting Users Build Virtual Burgers

McDonald’s metaverse debuts in Singapore, offering virtual burger creation and daily rewards.

McDonald’s metaverse debuts in Singapore with the "My Happy Place" platform, enabling users to construct virtual burgers, engage in multiplayer activities, and earn rewards.

McDonald's Singapore Launches "My Happy Place" Metaverse with Virtual Burgers and Daily Rewards

In a recent report by Cointelegraph, McDonald's, an American fast-food chain, introduced Singapore's "My Happy Place" metaverse. This platform enables residents to construct virtual hamburgers and engage in various other activities.

McDonald's Singapore collaborated with Bandwagon Labs, the metaverse division of entertainment media technology company Bandwagon, to develop an in-app virtual world for its consumers.

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Clarence Chan, the founder of Bandwagon Labs, emphasized three critical components that were employed in the development of the McDonald's metaverse:

"It's multiplayer where players can see others in the world with them. The metaverse is a creative canvas where we let users flex their creativity. And thirdly, it's packed with daily rewards with different challenges that trigger a reward mechanism."

Moreover, Web3 technologies are implemented to enhance the security, functionality, and use cases of digital collectible preservation. "By integrating wallet hosting services like MetaMask, we enable you to securely authenticate your identity and participate in token-gated activities within the metaverse," Chan explained.

As the announcement indicates, McDonald's maintains complete authority over its in-app metaverse. The initiative will be operational for a month, from June 6 to July 7, and its success will determine whether the services will continue or be deployed in the future.

Chan married in the metaverse and endorsed the technology's potential for fan engagement and customer retention. Nevertheless, he stated that third-party hosting impedes the current metaverse experiences.

"Adding to that, the lack of tangible rewards for people who utilize metaverse sometimes can discourage a large chunk of the audience."

Bandwagon Labs Enhances McDonald's Metaverse with Tangible Rewards and Interactive Experiences

Chan thinks that Bandwagon Labs resolved these issues for McDonald's. He concluded, "In addition to the opportunity to interact and play with their friends, users can also earn tangible rewards, such as fries, by participating on our platform."

To better understand the metaverse, consult Cointelegraph's crypto guide.

Magic Leap has recently disclosed "a multifaceted, strategic technology partnership" with Google to create new extended reality technologies.

According to a statement from Magic Leap CTO Julie Larson-Green, the partnership will underscore Magic Leap's advancements in optics and Google's infrastructure.

"This partnership accelerates the transformative power of AR by combining our extensive optics capabilities with Google's technologies to continue to advance immersive experiences to the developer ecosystem and for customers. We are looking forward to expanding the potential of XR – blending the physical world with valuable, contextually relevant solutions."

The press release should have provided something other than products or potential services.

Photo: Shahbaz Ali/Unsplash

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