“Rick and Morty” season 4, episode 6, has yet to arrive almost three months since the fifth episode of this installment was released. Apparently, this is another long delay that the show is known for, and fans are disappointed because show creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland previously vowed that there would be no more long waiting time once the fourth season airs, but it happened again.
The new trailer
There is no update from Cartoon Network or the show creators as well, and the studio only released clips from previous episodes and a Pringles ad for the recent Super Bowl. This is why the followers of the show are rejoicing when a new trailer for “Rick and Morty” season 4, episode 6, was posted on the animation’s social media page on Feb. 28.
The viewers were thrilled as Cartoon Network finally provided a glimpse of what to expect when “Rick and Morty” season 4 episode 6 arrives. This will be the beginning of the show’s second half, so they are excited about the new story that is on the way. With the release of the trailer, fans forgot how upset they are for the delay because at least they were assured that new episodes will be out soon.
What the teaser revealed
The “Rick And Morty” season 4 episode 6 trailer was 15 seconds long, and it showed Morty being a character in Rick’s video game. It is an unusual game where Morty was being passed in a sequence of intense stages as players control him in the game.
In the last moments of the play, the word “game over” flashed on the screen as Morty was crushed by a swatter slapped by a giant fly. Then again, the clip did not provide much information about the story, but it is sure that Rick used his grandson once again in one of his eccentric projects.
Release date
Express noted that while a new trailer has been unveiled, the exact release date of “Rick and Morty” season 4, episode 6, was not indicated. But with the trailer already out, surely the second part will finally air soon.