PhD Candidate and Research Assistant, Communication Studies, Concordia University
Scott DeJong is a PhD student in Communication studies at Concordia University examining serious play, web literacy, and digital cultures. His past work looked at educational game design and online echo chambers. Most of his design work has looked at interactive analog games evaluating them as a template for knowledge dissemination on serious or social issues. Currently, he is investigating the role of social class within games, the simulation of politics within games, and exploring games as a medium to learn about issues of disinformation and fake news. His Master’s contemplated the value of escape rooms as a serious game format. Scott’s work is focused on how play can be used to critically research and discuss cultural issues. Beyond his own research, Scott is an active member of the TAG lab, the mlab, the algorithmic media observatory, and the ACT (Ageing, Communications + Technologies) project.
'Stranger Things' shows how conspiracy theories take hold and do harm
Jul 11, 2022 05:38 am UTC| Entertainment
Note: The following article contains spoilers about Stranger Things. Stranger Things most recent season, which set Netflix viewership milestones and had an estimated budget of $30 million per episode, has a subplot...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s