Emeritus Professor, University of Newcastle
Medical degree and doctorate from the University of London. Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Community Medicine and Director of The Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Newcastle, and consultant general physician at the John Hunter Hospital - until 2000. Then Professor of Public Health in the University of Manchester, UK til retirement in 2006. Founder and coordinator of the Peoples-uni (http://peoples-uni.org) which aimed to provide Public Health capacity building in developing countries at low cost, through e-learning using open access resources on the Internet, and leading to an MPH degree. Research interests have been in the causes and prevention of heart disease, the implementation of Evidence Based Practice, and developing measures to describe the population impact of disease risks and the benefits of interventions.
DIY degree? Why universities should make online educational materials free for all
May 29, 2023 04:22 am UTC| Business
This article is part of our series on big ideas for the Universities Accord. The federal government is calling for ideas to reshape and reimagine higher education, and set it up for the next decade and beyond. A review...
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