Graduate Student- Environmental Engineering : Sustainable Construction Management, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
I am a graduate student at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. My graduate project focuses on creating a sustainable and affordable rainwater harvesting system for small island developing states (SIDS) and remote rural communities using Ferrocement and Biosand filters. This project hopes to offer an alternative path for climate change adaptation and resilience and water security in these communities. I recently built my first prototype of the tank in Grenada. For my work on this, I have been featured on Going Green which is a Spectrum news programme on sustainability. The link to this news clip can be found here: .
I am also a National Science Foundation INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science) SURGE (Scholars from Under-Represented Groups in Engineering and the Social Sciences) scholar. I recently presented at the 2018, 16th annual New York State Green Building Conference on “Small Island Developing States- Resilience in the Face of Climate Change.” And, in June, will present at the 43rd annual conference of Caribbean Studies Association in Cuba on “The role of climate change education in household resiliency in the Caribbean." Additionally, I am a LEED Green Associate, and the recent recipient of the Charles Lathrop Pack Memorial Student Grant, USGBC Greenbuild 2017 Regional Scholarship and the Jay and Olive Bentley Scholarship.
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