Director School of Medicine and Psychology, Australian National University
Professor Paul Fitzgerald is the Head of the School of Medicine and Psychology at the Australian National University. He is an academic psychiatrist with a MBBS degree, Masters of Psychological Medicine and research PhD from Monash University. He has conducted an extensive range of experimental studies and clinical trials, focused on the development of novel treatments options for patients with depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD, autism and Alzheimer’s disease with a special interest in repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). He has had continual NHMRC grant support for 20 years and over $10 million in research support in the last 5 years. He has published several books, over 500 journal articles and been cited over 25,000 times. He has established multiple clinical rTMS services, founded several device and clinical service companies and led a national application to MSAC in the Federal Department of Health which resulted, in 2021, in Medicare funding ($280 million in year 1) for rTMS therapy for patients with depression.
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