

Atef Alshaer

Senior Lecturer in Arabic Studies, University of Westminster
I am a Senior Lecturer in Arabic Studies at the University of Westminster. I obtained my PhD from SOAS, University of Westminster, and taught there for a number of years. Before that, I studied English Language and Literature at the University of Birzeit in Palestine.

I have been active writing on Palestinian-Israeli politics for a number of websites, including International Relations, and the Electronic Intifada. My books include The Hizbullah Phenomenon: Politics and Communication (with Dina Matar and lina Khatib, 2014), Poetry and Politics in the Modern Arab World (2016) and A Map of Absence: An Anthology of Palestinian Writing on the Nakba (2019).

My interests include politics of the Middle East, Literature and Cultural Studies.

I am a member of a number of research centres and institutes, including the Palestine Studies Centre and The Middle East Institute in London at SOAS.



Ateqah Khaki

Visual Innovation + Audience Development, Don't Call Me Resilient



Athena Bellas

Teacher and Writer, The University of Melbourne
Athena Bellas has a PhD in Screen Studies from the University of Melbourne. Her research and teaching focus is in feminist media and screen studies.



Atieh Razavi Yekta

Sessional Lecturer, University of British Columbia
My research focuses on job quality and occupational health within the platform economy. Specifically, I explore how differences in jurisdictional and federal regulations, along with the transnational nature of some platform jobs, create a grey area between policy and action. Additionally, I examine how platform companies' use of machine learning models in workforce management impacts the occupational experiences of marginalized workers, such as immigrants.

I hold a Master's degree in Public Policy and Global Affairs and am currently pursuing a doctoral degree in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy within the UBC Faculty of Medicine. I also serve as a sessional lecturer at UBC.



Atmaja Gohain Baruah

Joint PhD Researcher at the National University of Singapore and KCL, King's College London
Atmaja Gohain Baruah is a joint PhD student at the Geography Department at KCL and the Department of Comparative Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She is a recipient of the President’s Graduate Fellowship, and her PhD research project focuses on exploring the connection between climate variability, ecological migration and wellbeing in India and China taking an intersectional approach. Her research interests also lie in non-traditional security threats facing the Indo Pacific. She is supervised by Associate Prof Rajesh Rai at NUS and Reader in Environmental Politics Dr Naho Mirumachi at KCL.

Atmaja is associated with the Institute for Security and Development Policy, a Stockholm-based non-profit, non-partisan research and policy organization as an Associated Research Fellow. She is also associated with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), a non-profit, scientific research organization focusing on the sustainable use of water and land resources in developing countries. The project fits well with her past experience of conducting policy and political economy analysis in the context of extreme events. Atmaja speaks English, Assamese and Hindi fluently, and is trained in intermediate Mandarin Chinese for her research work.

Thesis title: 'Mobility and Wellbeing in the Context of Climate and Environmental Change in Assam, India, and Yunnan, China—An Intersectional Approach'

Atmaja locates her research interests within the broad spectrum of Sino-Indian relations. As part of her Ph.D., she is focusing on exploring the connection between climate variability, ecological migration and wellbeing in India and China. Besides observing these interconnections across the whole spectrum of context-specific migration, she seeks to inspect the broader institutional responses impacting the risks and vulnerabilities of those already vulnerable and marginalised. Apart from environmental governance in Asia, her research interests also lie in analysing non-traditional security threats facing the Indo Pacific.



atricia Jovellar Isiegas

Terapeuta Ocupacional y Fisioterapeuta. Docente e investigadora en el Grado de Fisioterapia de la Universidad San Jorge. Miembro del grupo de investigación iPhysio., Universidad San Jorge
Doctora en Ciencias de la Salud. Fisioterapeuta y Terapeuta Ocupacional. Máster en Funcionalidad del Miembro Superior y Terapia de Mano. Personal docente e investigador en el Grado de Fisioterapia de la Universidad San Jorge. Su línea de investigación está centrada principlamente en la influencia del procesamiento somatosensorial en la funcionalidad del miembro superior y la mano en niños con hemiparesia.

Ha publicado artículos en revistas científicas y divulgativas sobre Fisioterapia y Terapia Ocupacional en la infancia. Ha participado en congresos nacionales e internacinales sobre rehabilitación pediátrica y desarrollo infantil.

Actualmente compagina su labor docente con la asistencia clínica acompañando a niños con diversidad funcional y sus familias. Colabora con la Universidad Internacional de Cataluña en el Máster de Fisioterapia Pediátrica y con el Centro de Estudios Superiores de La Salle en el Máster de Terapia Ocupacional basado en la evidencia. Participa activamente en proyectos de Cooperación al Desarrollo en países como Polonia, Argentina, Nicaragua, República Dominicana, India y Vietnam.



Aude Bandini

Professeure agrégée, Philosophie (épistémologie et philosophie de la médecine), Université de Montréal
Aude Bandini est professeure agrégée au département de philosophie. Ses travaux de recherches récent s'inscrivent à l'intersection entre l'épistémologie sociale et la philosophie de la médecine.



Aude Campmas

Lecturer in French Studies, University of Southampton
My current research interests include the relation between science and literature, and the representation of ‘the monstrous family' in Francophone literature and Film.

I am currently completing a monograph on Fleurs monstrueuses: histoire d'une métamorphose, Littérature, femmes et botanique. This analyses the links between visual and textual representations of flowers, and the monstrous representation of women during the late nineteenth century.



Aude Ripoche

Chercheure en agronomie du système de culture et modélisatrice, Cirad
• Agronomie du système de culture,
• Évaluation des performances agronomiques et environnementales des systèmes de culture
• Interactions culture / adventices dans les systèmes de culture
• Modélisation du système de culture
• Évaluation de la nuisibilité des adventices



Audrey de Nazelle

Senior lecturer, Imperial College London



Audrey Ferron-Parayre

Professeure agrégée, Section de droit civil, Faculté de droit, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Audrey Ferron Parayre is Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, and a member of the University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics. She is also co-director of the Observatoire pluridisciplinaire sur le devenir du droit privé. Her research and teaching interests focus on the law of persons, health law, legal effectiveness and knowledge transfer. Her current projects focus on law and women's reproductive health, in particular obstetric and gynecological violence and how the law can be mobilized to prevent it.



Audrey Mat

Researcher in marine biology and chronobiology, Universität Wien
I am a marine biologist, for what might be the simplest reason: passion for the ocean and the biological wonders it hosts. My research focuses on how marine animals cope with their changing environment, whether influenced by natural cycles, anthropogenic activities, or a combination of both. In particular, I use both molecular tools and behavioral analysis to understand how the physiology of marine animals changes over time, as the oceans are complex, oscillating environments.
Currently, I am exploring these questions in one of our greatest ecological frontiers, the deep sea.



Audrey Roulston

Professor of Social Work in Palliative Care, Queen's University Belfast
Audrey qualified as a social worker in 1996 and worked in children's and adults services within local Health and Social Care Trusts prior to being employed in Marie Curie Hospice Belfast in 2005-2010. Alongside working with individuals, families and groups, she completed several small-scale research projects, audits and service evaluations. After completing her Masters in Research Methods, she conducted her PhD in End of life care decision-making with people diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.
Audrey moved to work in Queen's University in 2010, where she has been the Director of Practice Learning, Chair of the Admissions Committee for Social Work training in Northern Ireland, and lead for widening participation into social work. She is currently the Programme Director for a new Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Care for Social Workers, which is taught online.
She is co-chair of the European Association of Palliative Care Task Force for Social Workers.

Audrey's research interests in palliative care have included the role of palliative care social workers, bereavement needs assessment, complicated grief, music therapy, psychological distress of people living with a life-limiting illness, palliative care for people in prisons, deaths in prison custody and interventions for people with Parkinson's. She is also involved in research involving social work students in relation to the admissions process (Social Work Match), practice placements (failing students), well-being and resilience in newly qualified social workers and mindfulness based interventions to alleviate stress and anxiety.



Audrey H Small

Lecturer in the Department of French, Francophone and Luxembourg Studies, University of Sheffield
I graduated from the University of Aberdeen in 1997 with an MA (Hons) in French Studies, after which I went to teach English in Dakar, Senegal. My time in West Africa sharpened my interest in all things extra-hexagonal, and I returned to Aberdeen to study for a PhD on the links between publishing and literary discourses of identity in francophone African literature. I taught at Aberdeen for four years before coming to Sheffield in 2002.



Audrey T. Lin

Research Associate in Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution
My research focuses on ancient DNA, domestication, molecular evolution, and viruses. I am based at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC and am a Research Associate at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.



Audrey-Anne de Ubeda

Responsable de la coordination des programmes de recherche à la Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI)



August Nilsson

PhD Candidante in Organizational Psychology, Lund University
Happiness and personality through the lens of language.

How are you?
You probably ask this question many times a day, and most of the times, the answers are not through numbers, but through words.
Using modern Language AI techniques, such as Large Language Models (LLM; the type of models behind chatbots such as ChatGPT) and Topic modelling, I research how the Language we use can help us understand happiness and personality. Specific happiness related subjects I research include everyday activities, alcohol consumption, and happiness definitions. For personality, I have worked with the Assessment of implicit motives through LLMs and the personality assessments of LLMs on social media.

I did graduate school at Lund University, was a predoc at the University of Pennsylvania, and I am doing my PhD at Oslo Metropolitan University.
I do several research projects with The World Well-Being Project, allocated at Stony Brook University, University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford University.



Augustine Aboh

Ph.D. candidate in Global Governance and Human Security, University of Massachusetts
Augustine Aboh is a Global Governance and Human Security doctoral student at the University of Massachusetts Boston, U.S.A. He works as a Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Researcher for the Office of Strategic Preparedness and Resilience (National Early Warning Centre of Nigeria) and a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, University of Calabar, Nigeria. His research interests include the intersection of democracy and technology, defense and security governance, strategic studies, conflict prevention and peacebuilding, human security, global governance, radicalization, extremism, terrorism, and organized crime.



Augustine Kiptum

Research Student, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex
Augustine completed his PhD in geography at the University of Sussex, UK. His research focused on understanding the nature, drivers, and predictability of flood events in the Tana River, Kenya. Through his research, Augustine led two peer-reviewed publications ( A holder of an MSc in hydrology and groundwater resources management and a BSc in meteorology, both from the University of Nairobi, he has extensive data analysis skills using Python and R, which are key in the analysis of large climate datasets.

Augustine has also worked at the Kenya Meteorological Department's (KMD) National Meteorological Centre section for the last eight years, where he has been involved in the generation of seasonal forecasts through the running of climate models, including WRF. He is also involved in the running of rainfall/runoff models over the Nzoia River Basin and subsequent flood warnings over a shorter lead time (three days).

Currently, he is providing technical support in the risk data on a consultancy basis for the United Nations University-Environment & Human Security (EHS), VARMAP division, Bonn, Germany, under the project "Early Warning for IGAD."



Augusto Riveros

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University
PhD in Educational Policy Studies (2013) from the University of Alberta. Currently investigating the availability and accessibility of educational opportunity in urban centres. Recent publications explore the effects of overcrowding and enrolment pressures in Ontario schools.



Aulo Gelli

Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Aulo Gelli works as a senior research fellow in the Nutrition, Diets, and Health Unit of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). His main interests and experience intersect food policy and nutrition, with a particular focus on evaluating the impact of child health and nutrition interventions. Aulo trained as a physicist at Imperial College London, then gained a MSc degree in information processing and neural networks at Kings College London working on semantic memory models, and then studied human perception and cognition at the Laboratory of Neurobiology at University College London. He transitioned his career towards food policy, gaining a MA in development economics and food security at the University of Rome, and a DPhil from the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College. Prior to working at IFPRI, Aulo worked as a research fellow at Imperial College (2009-2013), as policy analyst at the UK Collaborative on Development Sciences (2007-2009), and as a statistician at the World Food Programme (2004-2007).



Aurélien François

Maître de conférences en management du sport, Université de Rouen Normandie
Aurélien François est Maître de Conférences à l'Université de Rouen Normandie en Management du Sport.

Ses travaux de recherche portent sur les questions de responsabilité et d'utilité sociale abordées analysées au travers d'approches économiques et managériales.



Aurelien Mondon

Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Bath
Aurelien Mondon (he/him) is a Senior Lecturer in politics at the University of Bath.

His research focuses predominantly on the impact of racism and populism on liberal democracies and the mainstreaming of far-right politics through elite discourse.

His first book, The Mainstreaming of the Extreme Right in France and Australia: A Populist Hegemony?, was published in 2013 and he recently co-edited After Charlie Hebdo: Terror, racism and free speech published with Zed. Reactionary democracy: How racism and the populist far right became mainstream, co-written with Aaron Winter, was published with Verso in 2020. The Ethics of Researching the Far Right, co-edited with Antonia Vaughan, Joan Braune and Meghan Tinsley will be out in March 2024 with Manchester University Press.

His work has been published in various mainstream and expert outlets around the world, including CNN, The Guardian, The Independent, Libération, Newsweek, Le Soir, Mediapart and Al Jazeera.



Aurélien Restelli

Doctorant, sociologie, CESDIP, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) – Université Paris-Saclay
Ancien élève de l’ENS Cachan, détenteur d’un Master 2 de sociologie de l’EHESS et auteur d’un mémoire de recherche sur le Service Volontaire Citoyen (sous la direction de Cédric Moreau de Bellaing), Aurélien Restelli prépare une thèse intitulée « Coopérer en maintien de l’ordre : la police à l’épreuve de la pluralisation », sous la direction de Jacques de Maillard.

Dans les pays occidentaux, on assiste à une logique de pluralisation des activités policières. Cela touche notamment le domaine de la police des foules ; en effet, de plus en plus d’unités, dont l’organisation et les modes de fonctionnement peuvent parfois être très différents, sont amenées à participer aux opérations de maintien de l’ordre. La question se pose donc de savoir comment, aussi bien en bas de la hiérarchie qu’au niveau de l’état-major, elles échangent, se jugent et se coordonnent pour mener à bien les opérations de maintien de l’ordre.



Auriba Raza

Research in Epidemiology, Stockholm University
I am a researcher in Epidemiology Unit at the Stress Research Institute. I have a PhD in environmental epidemiology from Karolinska Institutet. I was trained as a Post-doctoral researcher at the Stress Research Insitute, Stockholm University and Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. My research investigates how changing weather patterns impact mental health of Swedish and Finnish working population. My research also includes the impact of environmental characteristics around home and workplace on behavior-related health of Swedish working population. I have substantial experience of working with register-based data and large longitudinal surveys.



Ava Green

Lecturer in Forensic Psychology, City, University of London
I am a Chartered Psychologist and Lecturer in Forensic Psychology. My area of expertise is narcissism in women, and I explore this link in relation to diagnostic assessment, aetiological factors, and offending behaviours.



Ava Kalinauskas

Research Associate, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney
Ava Kalinauskas is a Research Associate at the United States Studies Centre.

Ava sits on the Youth Advisory Council to US Consul General Christine Elder. She was previously a Program Assistant at Women In International Security Global (WIIS), a Washington DC-based organisation dedicated to advancing the UN “Women, Peace and Security” agenda.

Ava holds a Bachelor of Arts Dual Degree from Sciences Po Paris and the University of Sydney.

She graduated from Sciences Po with Cum Laude Honours, majoring in Political Humanities. At the University of Sydney, she was a Dalyell Scholar and a recipient of the IPAA NSW GC Remington award.



Avalon Tissue

Associate Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, University of Sydney
Avalon is a Clinical Psychologist and academic based at the Clinical Psychology Unit (Brain and Mind Centre) at the University of Sydney. Her areas of interest are in refugee and asylum-seeker mental health and the intergenerational impacts of trauma in families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. She currently shares her time between research, supervision, and teaching at the University of Sydney and clinical practice in a community health setting.

She has previously held roles as Clinical Lead for the Refugee Trauma and Recovery Program (The University of New South Wales) and as Priority Populations Care Navigator leading mental health equity projects with the Sydney Children's Hospital Network (SCHN) HARK Refugee Clinic. She holds a Masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of Sydney.



Avery Beall

Researcher, Faculty of Arts and Science, Nipissing University
I have a MA and BA in Sociology from Nipissing University. I have been an academic researcher since 2021, working with Dr. David Zarifa, at Nipissing University. I am also an Analyst with Statistics Canada, since January 2022.



Avery Paxton

Research Marine Biologist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Paxton is a Research Marine Biologist at NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), where she focuses on coastal resilience and restoration. She quantifies ecological functions of created, restored, or impacted habitats to learn which interventions can best achieve intended ecological outcomes (e.g., coastal resilience, ecosystem services, community structure).

Paxton’s current research evaluates how natural and nature-based infrastructure (e.g., salt marshes, coral reefs, living shorelines) can boost coastal resilience. A major pillar of Paxton’s research is conducting regional and global syntheses to gain new insight from previously collected data. Earlier in her career, Paxton determined ecological functions of human-made reef habitats, including artificial reefs and historic shipwrecks, and tested whether artificial structures provide similar fish habitat to natural reefs.

Paxton began her career by earning a B.S. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia, where her undergraduate thesis on shipwreck ecology stemmed from her time as a NOAA Hollings Scholar. After working as a research technician at the University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs studying rocky reefs and kelp forests, she earned her PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she studied how reef fishes rely on rocky reefs, artificial reefs, and shipwrecks. Paxton conducted a joint postdoctoral fellowship with a nonprofit, a consortium of aquaria, and Duke University, studying reliance of a large coastal shark on artificial habitats before spending three years conducting research under contract to NCCOS through CSS-Inc.



Avi Shankar

Professor of Consumer Research, University of Bristol
I am Professor of Consumer Research, University of Bristol Business School. Previously I worked for 18 years at the School of Management, University of Bath.

My current research explores consumption phenomena related to the global research grand challenges of sustainability and climate change; equality, diversity and inclusivity; and health and well-being.



Avidan Kent

Senior Lecturer in Law, University of East Anglia
Avidan Kent is a Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia. Avidan’s research interests include the fields of Public International Law, International Economic Law, International Dispute Resolution, and International Environmental Law. Avidan holds an LLM from McGill University, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge.



Avinoam Patt

Director, Center for Judaic Studies, University of Connecticut
Avinoam J. Patt, Ph.D. is the Doris and Simon Konover Chair of Judaic Studies and Director of the Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life at the University of Connecticut. Until July 2019, he served as the Philip D. Feltman Professor of Modern Jewish History at the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford, where he was also director of the Museum of Jewish Civilization. Previously, he worked as the Miles Lerman Applied Research Scholar for Jewish Life and Culture at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). He is the author of Finding Home and Homeland: Jewish Youth and Zionism in the Aftermath of the Holocaust (Wayne State University Press, May 2009); co-editor (with Michael Berkowitz) of a collected volume on Jewish Displaced Persons, titled We are Here: New Approaches to the Study of Jewish Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany (Wayne State University Press, 2010); and is a contributor to several projects at the USHMM including Jewish Responses to Persecution, 1938-1940 (USHMM/Alta Mira Press, September 2011). He is also director of the In Our Own Words Interview Project with the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors and is co-editor of an anthology of contemporary American Jewish fiction entitled The New Diaspora: The Changing Landscape of American Jewish Fiction (Wayne State University Press, 2015). He is co-editor of a new volume on The Joint Distribution Committee at 100: A Century of Humanitarianism (Wayne State, 2019) and recently completed a new book on the early postwar memory of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (The Jewish Heroes of Warsaw: The Afterlife of the Revolt, to be published by Wayne State UP in Spring 2021). Together with David Slucki and Gabriel Finder, he is co-editor of a new volume Laughter After: Humor and the Holocaust (April 2020) and, with Laura Hilton, is co-editor of the new volume Understanding and Teaching the Holocaust (University of Wisconsin Press, July 2020).



Aviroop Gupta

PhD Candidate, Curtin University
My research is on the state-sponsored violence perpetrated on the minorities of India, focusing mainly on the Hindu majoritarian Indian government’s policy of demolishing Muslim properties, on various pretexts, as a means of providing "collective punishment" to an entire community.



Aviva Dove-Viebahn

Assitant Professor of Film and Media Studies, Arizona State University
Aviva Dove-Viebahn joined the Film and Media Studies program in the Department of English in 2018, after six years as a faculty fellow in ASU's Barrett Honors College. She earned her doctorate in visual and cultural studies at the University of Rochester and her master's in art history at the University of Virginia. Prior to ASU, she taught film, women’s studies and the interdisciplinary humanities at the University of Northern Colorado. From 2012-2018, she was the Web Content Manager for the Society for Cinema and Media Studies and an ex-officio member of its Board of Directors. Currently a contributing editor at Ms. magazine, she is responsible for its Scholar Writing Program and serves on the magazine's advisory Committee of Scholars. Ms. magazine frequently carries her essays and reviews in both its print edition and online. In addition to her scholarship and public writing, Dove-Viebahn has co-written several screenplays (with Brittany K. Fonte), one of which has been produced, with two other scripts in development.

Dove-Viebahn's academic interests concentrate on gender, race, and representation in popular culture; contemporary visual art and media, including film and television; and the role of the spectator in the digital age. Her book, "There She Goes Again: Gender, Power, and Knowledge in Contemporary Film and Television Franchises," is forthcoming from Rutgers University Press in December 2023. It explores representations of feminine intuition, as a contested and ambivalent form of gendered power and knowledge, in contemporary media. She also co-edited, with Carrie N. Baker, the anthology "Public Feminisms," which was published by Lever Press in May 2023.



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