

Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte

PhD Candidate, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University
Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte is a Bombardier Doctoral Scholar and PhD Candidate at Simon Fraser University’s School of Communication. Her research focuses on Canadian cultural policy and artist-run organizations. In 2019, she received the Canadian Communication Association’s Doctoral CRTC Prize for Excellence in Policy Research for the paper “Creative Canada: A Critical Look at a ‘New’ Cultural Policy Framework.” She is a member of the Cultural Policy, IP and Rights Ecosystems Working Group for Archive/Counter Archive, a multi-year research project based out of York University.

Mariane obtained an MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts from SFU’s School for the Contemporary Arts in 2012 and has exhibited artistic and curatorial projects across Canada. Her research and art criticism has been published in various edited books, art journals including esse art + opinions, C Magazine, and Inter art actuel. Most recently, her chapter “Digital Cultural Industrialism and the Arts: A Critical Look at Creative Canada and the Canada Council for the Arts’ Digital Strategy Fund” was included in Canadian Cultural Policy in Transition (2021).

Mariane has worked as the lead consultant on various sectoral and community research projects commissioned by national and provincial arts service organizations including ARCA, IMAA, and CARFAC. Mariane has served on the board of directors of the Pacific Association of Artist-Run Centres (2016-2018), VIVO Media Arts Centre (2014-2019), and Aphotic Theatre (2017-present).



Marianna Fotaki

Marianna holds degrees in medicine, health economics, and a PhD in public policy from London School of Economics and Political Science. Before joining academia in 2003 she has worked as a medical doctor in Greece, China, and the UK, as a volunteer and manager for humanitarian organizations Médecins du Monde and Médecins sans Frontiers in Iraq and Albania, and as the EU senior resident adviser to governments in transition (in Russia, Georgia and Armenia). Marianna is at present a Senior Editor for Organization Studies, and co-directs pro bono an online think tank Centre for Health and the Public Interest a charity that aims to disseminate research informing the public and policy makers (

Marianna is also a Network Fellow at the Edmond J Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University in 2014-2015.



Marianne Dehasque

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University
I am an evolutionary biologist using genomic data to understand how evolutionary and demographic processes shape an organism’s genome. I do this by using time-series data from ancient and historical samples. During my PhD, I used the woolly mammoth as a model species to study evolutionary processes in declining populations. At my current postdoc, I am studying the genomics of feralization by analysing genomes ancient and modern sheep and their wild/feral relatives.



Marianne Granger

Auxiliaire de recherche en agriculture et systèmes alimentaires durables, Bishop's University
Provenant du milieu agricole biologique, je m'intéresse maintenant à trouver des stratégies afin de reconnecter l'humain à la nature. Favoriser l'émergence et l'implantation de systèmes alimentaires durables est selon moi une façon holistique de répondre à plusieurs enjeux, tels que la crise environnementale et la justice sociale, puisque l'alimentation est un des piliers de notre existence.

En septembre 2023, je rentrerai à la maîtrise en "Landscape and Wellbeing" à l'Université d'Édimbourg pour étudier l'impact que les paysages et les milieux naturels ont sur notre quotidien. J'ai donc l'ambition de revenir au Québec inspirée et prête à mettre la main à la pâte, ou la pelle, pour contribuer activement à ce changement de cap.

Je me trouve donc en grande période d'exploration.



Marianne Hem Eriksen

Associate Professor of Archaeology, University of Leicester
I took up the post of Associate Professor of Archaeology in Leicester in early 2021 and I will until 2026 principally focus on the ERC Starting Grant Body-Politics: Death Personhood and Sexuality in the Iron and Viking Ages. Before taking up the post in Leicester I was Associate Professor of Archaeology at the Museum of Cultural History at the University of Oslo. From 2017-2019 a grant took me to the University of Cambridge where I was a Research Fellow at the McDonald Institute of Archaeology and at Clare Hall college. Before this I was substitute Associate Professor (2016) and Teaching Fellow (2015) at the Institute for Archaeology in Oslo. My PhD (2012-2015) was also written there, with some time spent at UCL.

My research ranges topics from infancy, power and the powerless, to movement, dreams and the self in the past. It centres around three main axes of late prehistoric and early medieval Scandinavia: the entwinement between architecture and inhabitants; the complex relationships between the living and the dead; and politics of the body. Often, I have worked with the links between architectural spaces and human bodies, by considering how prehistoric houses are built by bodies, produce certain bodily experiences, can be conceptualised as bodies themselves - and how dead bodies, parts and whole, are linked to domestic space. I have a strong interest in the lived experiences of inequality and gender.

I was honoured to receive the 2022 Philip Leverhulme Prize in Archaeology.



Marianne Piochon

Assistante de recherche, MSc, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
Marianne Piochon a obtenu sa Maîtrise en Ressources Renouvelables à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi en 2008. Après ses études, elle a travaillé dans divers laboratoires en France (Yves Rocher, CHU Poitiers/INSERM), Royaume-Uni (Abbott) et Canada (INRS) afin de diversifier son expertise dans le domaine des biosciences. Depuis 2021, elle est revenue à l'UQAC pour travailler avec le Professeur André Pichette en tant qu'assistante de recherche au sein du Centre de Transformation et de Valorisation des Bio-produits (CTVB). Elle participe à divers projets de recherche tels que la découverte de nouvelles molécules bioactives issues des plantes de la forêt boréale, la valorisation des résidus de l'industrie forestière, le développement d’approches de production de molécules à haute valeur ajoutée, etc.

Champ d'expertise:
Chimie des produits naturels, Chimie analytique, Synthèse organique



Marica S. Tacconi

Distinguished Professor of Musicology and Art History, Penn State
Marica S. Tacconi is a Distinguished Professor of musicology and art history, and associate director of the School of Music. She joined the Penn State faculty in 1998 and teaches undergraduate and graduate music history. A native of central Italy, she is a graduate of the Interlochen Arts Academy and holds a B.A. from Williams College and a Ph.D. in musicology from Yale University.

Tacconi’s interdisciplinary research interests focus on the music, art, and culture of late medieval and early modern Italy. Her scholarly work has been presented at conferences in the United States, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, and England, and has appeared in numerous journals, collections of essays, and exhibition catalogues. She is the author of "I Libri del Duomo di Firenze" (with Lorenzo Fabbri; Centro Di, 1997) and of "Cathedral and Civic Ritual in Late Medieval and Renaissance Florence: The Service Books of Santa Maria del Fiore" (Cambridge University Press, 2005).

Tacconi’s research has been supported by several institutions and grant agencies, including the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Robert Lehman Foundation, and the American Musicological Society. In 2002-03, she was a post-doctoral research Fellow at Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence, Italy. She returned to Villa I Tatti in 2011 as the Robert Lehman Visiting Research Professor in Residence, where she worked on the scholarly project “The Rhetoric of Echo in the Music of Early Modern Europe, ca. 1575–1660.”

From 2005 to 2010, Tacconi served as director of the Penn State Institute for the Arts and Humanities. In 2008–09, she was selected to participate as a Fellow in the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Academic Leadership Program. She was an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Humanities Council (vice chair; chair, Governance Committee; 2009-15) and has served as the School of Music faculty liaison for the Penn State Center for the Performing Arts’ Classical Music Project.

Tacconi’s dissertation ("Liturgy and Chant at the Cathedral of Florence: A Survey of the Pre-Tridentine Sources, Tenth-Sixteenth Centuries"; Yale University, 1999) won a 1997–98 AMS 50 Fellowship Award from the American Musicological Society. She is also the recipient of the 2001 Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching from the College of Arts and Architecture, the 2013 Achieving Women Award (faculty category) from the Penn State Commission for Women, the 2016 President’s Award for Excellence in Academic Integration, and the 2020 Faculty Scholar Medal for Outstanding Achievement (arts & humanities category).



Marie Coggins

Senior lecturer in Exposure Science, University of Galway
I graduated from NUI Galway in 2000 with a PhD in Atmospheric Physics. From 2000 – 2003 I have worked in industry as an Industrial Hygiene Professional. Since 2003, I have worked as a Lecturer in Exposure Science, Occupational Hygiene and Chemical Safety and Risk Management. In 2015, I was awarded Chartered membership (CMFOH) of the Faculty of the Occupational Hygiene (British Occupational Hygiene Society). I was the programme Director for the multidisciplinary MSc / HDip Occupational and Environmental Health & Safety programmes from 2009 – 2019. I am currently programme Director for the BSc Environmental Health and Safety programme. I also lead the Exposure Science research group and have published over 70 peer-reviewed journals, reports and conference contributions in the field of Exposure Science (Occupational & Environmental Exposure). In January 2021, I was invited to serve on a National Expert Group on the Role of Ventilation in Reducing Transmission of COVID-19. Initially established as a subgroup of the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET), this group now works with the Senior Official’s Group to further inform sectoral guidance and public information regarding ventilation



Marie Connolly

Professor of Economics, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Marie Connolly (Ph.D. 2007, Princeton University) has been a professor at the Department of Economics of UQAM’s School of Management (ESG UQAM) since 2009. Her research is primarily empirical and touches upon various topics in labor economics, such as intergenerational income transmission and socioeconomic mobility, the formation of human capital, the gender wage gap, women’s labor force participation and the evaluation of public policy. Her work as been published in the Journal of Labor Economics, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and the Canadian Journal of Economics, among others. She is currently Data Editor for the Canadian Journal of Economics and the Vice-Dean for Research at ESG UQAM.



Marie Durrieu

Doctorante associée à l'Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'École Militaire en science politique et relations internationales (CMH EA 4232-UCA), Sciences Po
Livre : "Du conflit israélo-palestinien au nucléaire iranien : l'humiliation la variable oubliée des négociations", L'Harmattan, 2021

Diplômée de l’École Doctorale de Sciences Po Paris.
Doctorante associée à l'Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'École Militaire
Directeurs de thèse : Frédéric Charillon, Thomas Lindemann
Enseignante Science Politique et Relations Internationales à Sciences Po Paris et à Université de Clermont

Sujets d’étude : les émotions en politique, la guerre et les mutations de la conflictualité, Moyen et Proche Orient, analyse politique étrangère



Marie Gillespie

Professor of Sociology, The Open University

Marie is co-director of Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change. She researches diaspora and national media cultures comparatively, historically and ethnographically. Her interests cluster around South Asian and Middle Eastern diasporas, cultural transnationalism, and changing configurations of audiences and publics in relation to question of citizenship. Recent collaborative include: a large-scale study of the BBC World Service as a multi-diasporic institution; an exploration of the new politics of security via a collaborative ethnography of transnational news cultures in multi-ethnic British households in eight UK cities; a national survey with the BBC on the changing face of British humour, ethnic jokes and comedy. Marie was awarded an AHRC Public Policy Fellowship in 2011 to develop research on the interface between international broadcasting and social media, specifically in relation to the BBC Arabic Services.



Marie Huchzermeyer

Professor, School of Architecture and Planning, University of the Witwatersrand
Prof Marie Huchzermeyer is a professor in the School of Architecture & Planning at Wits University and the current Director of the Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies (CUBES) in the School. Her research has spanned Brazil, South Africa, Kenya and other African countries. She has explored questions of policy and rights as they relate to informal settlements, private rental housing or tenements and housing more widely. Her current research is on the right to the city and the right to development and their implications for policy, planning and institutional arrangements in a context of inequality and the prevalence of what has come to be known as informality.



Marie Wallace

Jangga Elder, Indigenous Knowledge



Marie T. Reilly

Professor of Law, Penn State
Marie T. Reilly is a professor at Penn State Law and an expert in bankruptcy and commercial law. She served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 2008 to 2015. Prior to joining the Penn State faculty, she was a professor at the University of South Carolina School of Law. Before she became a law teacher, she practiced law with Williams & Connolly in Washington, D.C., and Schiff Hardin in Chicago, Illinois. She teaches contracts, bankruptcy, and commercial law subjects and co-teaches a bootcamp-style course on business fundamentals for law students. Her scholarship considers legal responses to insolvency problems in light of economic, political, and social influences over time. She is a co-author of a law school casebook on secured transactions. Her articles address a wide variety of issues including Catholic organization bankruptcies, fraudulent transfer law, successor liability, marital agency, and tax lien foreclosures. Professor Reilly holds a B.A. (economics) and J.D. from the University of Illinois. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute and a member of the bars of Illinois, District of Columbia, and South Carolina.



Marie-Amelie George

Associate Professor of Law, Wake Forest University
I am an expert on gay and lesbian legal history and contemporary LGBTQ+ rights. My research has appeared in leading peer-reviewed and law review journals, and I am a three-time recipient of the Dukeminier Award, which recognizes the country's most influential sexual orientation and gender identity scholarship.

I currently teach at Wake Forest University School of Law. Prior to joining the Wake faculty, I was the Berger-Howe Fellow in Legal History at Harvard Law School. I also served as an Associate in Law at Columbia Law School, where I taught the Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic. I received my Ph.D in history from Yale University, and my J.D. from Columbia Law School, where I was Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Journal of Gender and Law and a Kent Scholar. I also hold a M.St. in Women's Studies from the University of Oxford, where I was awarded a distinction on my thesis.



Marie-Ann Betschinger

Associate Professor of Strategy, HEC Montréal
Marie‑Ann Betschinger is Associate Professor of Strategy at HEC Montreal in Canada. Her research focuses on corporate and international strategy. She is particularly interested in different forms of firm internationalization, mergers & acquisitions, corporate governance, and the political and social context within which firms act.



Marie-Christine Doran

Full Professor of Compared Politics, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
(French follows)
Marie-Christine Doran is a Full Professor of comparative politics at the School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa, specializing in democratization, human rights, and violence in Latin America. She is also a consultant on Latin American issues for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada (Global Affairs Canada) since 2015. She holds a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada-SSHRCC grant on “Violence and Democracy: the Criminalization of Struggles for rights in Latin America (2018-2025), for which she is main researcher of a team of 7 specialists and Director of the Observatory on Violence, Criminalization and Democracy. Since the beginning of her career, Marie-Christine Doran has obtained research grants totalizing over 1 700 000 $ CAN for projects focused on the persistence of violence in democratic context in Latin America, the nature of political regimes, the weight of authoritarian political and legal legacies, the impact of social movements for rights, justice and memory, and the impact of violence by state and non-state actors on women, LGBTQ+ communities, indigenous and Afro-descendant defenders, in order to find solutions that reinforce democracy. She is a researcher at the International Panel on Exiting Violence (IPEV), and other international research platforms in Europe and Latin America, including the Brazilian CAPES International Research Network on Conflict Management in Plural Public Spaces Her published work include numerous peer-reviewed articles in four languages, some of which can be found at Academia and Researchgate, as well as two books, Le réveil démocratique du Chili. Une histoire politique de l’exigence de justice, (foreword by Alain Touraine,: Karthala 2016); as well as Human Rights as Battlefields. Changing Practices and Contestations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) and a third forthcoming book, Criminalizing Democracy:the Hidden Face of Violence in Latin America, to be published at Routledge in 2024. She is regularly invited to comment on Latin American politics and violence in Canadian and international media.
Marie-Christine Doran, PhD
Marie-Christine Doran est professeure titulaire de politique comparée à l’École d’études politiques de l’université d’Ottawa, spécialiste de la démocratisation, des droits humains et de la violence en Amérique latine. Elle est aussi consultante pour le Ministère des Affaires Mondiales Canada depuis 2015.Elle est chercheure principale d’une subvention du Conseil de recherches en Sciences humaines du Canada-CRSH pour le projet « Violence et démocratie : la criminalisation de la lutte pour les droits en Amérique latine » pour lequel elle dirige une équipe de 7 chercheur.e.s, ainsi que l’Observatoire violence, criminalisation et démocratie-OVCD. Depuis les débuts de sa carrière, elle a obtenu près de 1 700 000 $ (CAN).en subventions de recherche, au Canada et à l’international, pour des recherches portant notamment sur la persistance de la violence en contexte démocratique latino-américain, la nature des régimes politiques, le poids des héritages politiques et juridiques autoritaires, l'impact des mouvements sociaux pour les droits, la justice et la mémoire, ainsi que l'impact de la violence exercée par les acteurs étatiques et non étatiques sur les femmes, communautés LGBTQ+, les défenseurs autochtones et afro-descendants, afin de trouver des solutions qui renforcent la démocratie. Elle est chercheure dans plusieurs équipes internationales en Europe et Amérique latine dont l’International Panel on Exiting Violence (IPEV) et l’équipe brésilienne CAPES International Research Network on Conflict Management in Plural Public Spaces. Elle a été Fellow à l’université Harvard University, et professeure invitée, notamment à École des Hautes études en Sciences Sociales (Paris). Ses publications en 4 langues incluent de nombreux articles dont plusieurs sont disponibles sur Academia et Researchgate. mais aussi 2 ouvrages : Le réveil démocratique du Chili. Une histoire politique de l’exigence de justice, (foreword by Alain Touraine,: Karthala 2016); as well as Human Rights as Battlefields. Changing Practices and Contestations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), un 3ème ouvrage, Criminalizing Democracy:the Hidden Face of Violence in Latin America, paraîtra chez Routledge en 2024.Elle est régulièrement invitee à commenter l’actualité latino-américaine dans les médias canadiens et internationaux.



Marie-Hélène Rousseau

Ingénieure forestière, Conseil des Innus de Pessamit



Marie-Rachel Jacob

Professeur-chercheur en management, EM Lyon Business School
Ancrée dans une observation-participante de plusieurs années au sein du siège d'un grand groupe, ma thèse a porté sur la collaboration entre salariés et travailleurs extérieurs. Je travaille depuis sur la manière dont les entreprises et les personnes vivent les transformations du travail et de l'emploi. En particulier, je m'intéresse aux questions du management des collectifs de travail, du dialogue social et des pratiques de GRH, des parcours des travailleurs et de la soutenabilité de nos modes de travail. Je mène mes recherches dans le cadre du centre o.c.e d'emlyon business school.



Marieke Riethof

Marieke Riethof has a PhD in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Amsterdam and is a lecturer in Latin American Politics at the University of Liverpool.

Her past research and publications focused on political strategies of the labour movement in Brazil, including the Latin American regional context. She is currently finishing a book on the trajectory and political strategies of the Brazilian labour movement. Her new research projects focus on Brazilian foreign policy in the context of international relations in Latin America. The project examines traditional as well as non-traditional areas of foreign policy, including environmental politics and human rights. In May 2011, she was an expert witness at the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee on UK-Brazil relations and Brazil's emerging global role. A second project deals with the role of transnational solidarity movements and exile in the opposition to military dictatorship in Chile with an initial focus on the UK.



Marielle Papin

Assistant Professor in Political Science, MacEwan University
Over the last few years, I have worked on urban climate governance from local and global perspectives. More specifically I have studied the networks cities join or create to enhance their climate policies and their potential for generating innovative climate instruments. I am now starting a new research agenda on the governance of urban wellness and its synergies and conflicts with urban climate policy.



Marija Jovanovic

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), University of Essex
Marija Jovanović is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the Essex Law School and Human Rights Centre. Her research focuses on modern slavery and the way this phenomenon interacts with different legal regimes, such as human rights law, criminal law, labour law, immigration law, international trade law, and business regulation. She is the author of State Responsibility for ‘Modern Slavery’ in Human Rights Law (Oxford University Press, 2023). Marija holds DPhil, MPhil, and Magister Juris degrees from the University of Oxford, and a law degree from Serbia. She previously held a Postdoctoral Fellowship in ASEAN Law and Policy at the National University of Singapore, and worked as a Lecturer at the University of Kragujevac and University of Belgrade. Dr Jovanović is currently leading a research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre, which investigates the experiences of modern slavery survivors in the UK prisons.



Marijn Hoijtink

Associate Professor in International Relations, University of Antwerp
I am Associate Professor in International Relations at the Department of Political Science at the University of Antwerp. Previously I was Assistant Professor at Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. My research and teaching focuses on military technology, militarism and the changing character of warfare. In my current research project, funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), I examine military applications of artificial intelligence (AI), with a particular interest in how these technologies shape the way in which warfare is thought, fought and lived.



Marika Avenel Brown

PhD Candidate & Teaching Fellow, McMaster University
Marika Avenel Brown is currently an ABD PhD Candidate and Teaching Fellow in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. She also has an undergraduate specialization in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality and a graduate specialization in Digital Humanities.

Her dissertation work looks to speculative fiction to trouble the division between natural and unnatural and to posit better future entanglements between human, nonhuman, and more-than-human life and she has written about critical veganism as a mode of speculative possibility.



Marika Sosnowski

Postdoctoral research fellow, The University of Melbourne
Marika Sosnowski is an Australian lawyer, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne Law School and a Research Associate with the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. Her primary research interests are in the fields of critical security studies (primarily ceasefires), local/rebel governance and legal systems (especially issues of citizenship and belonging). Her geographical area of specialisation is the Middle East, particularly Syria.



Marilla L. Druitt

Affiliate Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
Dr Marilla Druitt is an obstetrician and gynaecologist who works in Geelong in the public and private systems and is a RANZCOG/AGES level 5-6 accredited surgeon.

She is interested in the mind-body connection in pelvic pain, part of an interdisciplinary persistent pelvic pain clinic at Geelong Hospital.

She is a RANZCOG councillor, helped write the national Endometriosis Guideline, does research with Australasian Interdisciplinary Researchers in Endometriosis (AIRE), and Deakin University. She is also part of a Bellarine wide clinician network caring for trans and gender diverse patients.

Current research includes the Happi study – CBT & yoga for pelvic pain, an e-hypnotherapy trial for pelvic pain, an endometriosis education course, a cannabis trial and a planned porphyria study for patients.

Marilla is the current president of Pelvic Pain Victoria, is involved in the Victorian state government redesign of gynae outpatient clinics in the public system, and is the gynaecologist on the Victorian's Women's Pain Inquiry.



Marilu Melo Zurita

Associate Professor Human Geography, UNSW Sydney



Marilynne N Kirshbaum

Professor and Chair of the Human Research Ethics Committee, Charles Darwin University
Professor Marilynne N Kirshbaum is Chair of the Human Research Ethics Committee and was previously Head and Professor of Nursing at CDU.

She remains strongly committed to promoting excellence in nursing research and teaching.

Throughout a long career, she has amassed 100 research articles, books, book chapters and international conference presentations, 15 PhD completions and has led doctoral programs for health care professionals.

Her area of clinical and research expertise is in cancer and palliative care, specifically in exploring how people who suffer from debilitating fatigue can summon up sources of vitality and energy.

Research interests:

-cancer-related fatigue
-chronic fatigue
-physical exercise in cancer care
-energy medicine/integrative health and wellbeing
-art, music and dance for wellbeing
-development of theory.



Marina Boulos

Teaching Associate in Human Resource Management, University of Manchester
I am very passionate about creating healthier workplaces for employees, making a living should never kill anyone! However, I am a strong believer (informed by research!) in prevention when it comes to work-related stress hoping to encourage organisations to implement primary interventions for a win-win outcome.
My PhD entitled 'Understanding stress management intervention success: A case study-based analysis of what works and why' has only increased my interest for the subject of employee well-being and crystallised its importance even more.



Marina Costa Lobo

Professor in political science , Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH)



Marina Miron

Post-doctoral Researcher, King's College London
Dr. Marina Miron holds a post-doctoral research position at the War Studies Department, King's College London. Her research focuses on examining the information warfare strategies employed by Russia and China. Dr. Miron is actively involved in a research project funded by the British Academy in collaboration with Prof. David V. Gioe. This project explores effective countermeasures that the Western world can adopt in response to these strategies. Her research encompasses the theoretical aspects of information warfare and its practical implications, particularly in domains such as space, cyberspace, and the electromagnetic spectrum.



Marina Yusupova

Lecturer in Sociology, Edinburgh Napier University
Lecturer in Sociology at Edinburgh Napier University, feminist and decolonial researcher.



Marine Gouezo

Postdoctoral research fellow, Southern Cross University
Marine’s research interests lie primarily in coral reef recovery along environmental gradients, whether recovery occurs naturally or is kickstarted by restoration actions. Her overarching research goal is to pinpoint what slows down the recovery of reefs, which often differs from reef to reef, to offer context-specific management options to fix it.



Marine Hadengue

Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, SKEMA Business School



Mario Campana

Lecturer in Marketing, University of Bristol
Mario is a Lecturer in Marketing in the School of Management. He earned his PhD at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) in 2015 and he held the position of Lecturer in Marketing at Goldsmiths, University of London, between 2015 and 2021. His research interests lie broadly within consumer research, and consumer culture theory specifically. His research programme looks at three consumer research domains: (1) materiality, (2) diversity and inclusion, focusing LGBTQ+ themes, and (3) alternative modes of market exchange. His approach is qualitative and interpretivist, and bridges marketing and management.

His work has been published in internationally recognised journals (e.g. Journal of Macromarketing, International Journal of Consumer Studied) and has been presented to leading conferences in marketing and management (e.g. Association of Consumer Research, Consumer Culture Theory, European Marketing Academy Conference, Academy of Management Annual Meeting).



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