

Laurel Niep

Bilingual Trauma Therapist, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
I am currently working as a Bilingual Trauma Therapist and Senior Instructor with the Stress, Trauma, Adversity Research, and Treatment (START) clinic at the CU School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry. I hold a BA in Psychology and Spanish from the University of Denver and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Denver - Graduate School of Social Work. My professional background comes from years of service as both direct care staff and a therapist in residential treatment, as well as community-based and school-based services. I specialize in working with adolescents and folks who have experienced all types of trauma. I also serve as an expert witness for criminal and civil cases regarding trauma and domestic violence.



Laurel Ofstein

Faculty Director, Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Michigan State University
Laurel Ofstein is Faculty Director of the Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Associate Professor-Fixed Term in the Department of Management. Prior to coming to Michigan State University, Dr. Ofstein was Associate Professor of Management at Western Michigan University, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Operations Director of the student business accelerator. Her research examines creativity, innovation and strategy within ecosystems, specifically entrepreneurial teams, organizations, and incubators. Most recently, her research focuses on social entrepreneurship, both within an incubator setting, as well as within the community through cross-sector social partnerships. She recently concluded an academic sabbatical during which she researched community-based incubators focused on poverty alleviation and economic development and the financial and social challenges associated with these efforts.

Dr. Ofstein recently co-authored a white paper on growth strategies of successful women entrepreneurs in partnership with Babson College and Bank of America. Her research has been published in several academic journals, including the International Small Business Journal, the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, and the International Journal of Management Education.

Dr. Ofstein has taught courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels on entrepreneurship, family business, and strategy at Western Michigan University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and DePaul University. She has presented her research locally, nationally and internationally at academic and practitioner-focused conferences.

Before entering academia, Dr. Ofstein was a consultant in the financial services industry at Accenture, helping several Fortune 500 companies to streamline their financial processes and operations. She was also a Consulting Manager for a risk management company. Following her MBA degree at DePaul University, Dr. Ofstein served as the Assistant Director to the university’s Center for Creativity and Innovation and taught as adjunct faculty before pursuing her Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Dr. Ofstein is a reviewer for several peer-reviewed entrepreneurship journals and has conducted editorial reviews of academic textbooks. She has not only published in academic journals, but also co-authored the book, Women in Business: The Changing Face of Leadership, as well as a related book chapter in the book, Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Workplace.



Lauren Butler

Assistant Professor of Nutrition, Texas State University
Lauren Butler is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and serves as an Assistant Professor in the Nutrition and Foods Program at Texas State University. Butler holds a doctoral degree in Nutrition from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health, where she was trained as a nutrition epidemiologist.

Butler completed postdoctoral work with the University of Florida’s Health Disparities Research and Intervention Program, where she conducted community- engaged research and interventions. Butler’s research aims to advance social justice and health equity through weight-inclusive and non-diet behavioral health interventions. She utilizes a mixed methods systems-approach to develop population-specific strategies to eliminate weight stigma, heal body image and disordered eating behaviors, and improve cardiometabolic health among marginalized communities. Butler leads the Food Freedom Research Team through which she mentors graduate and undergraduate students to address internal and external fatphobia, healthism, ableism, racism, weight bias and mental health stigma. Her recent work includes understanding perspectives on using a weight-inclusive approach to address body image concerns and disordered eating among LGBTQ+ community members.



Lauren Cattaneo

Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, George Mason University
Lauren Cattaneo earned her doctorate in Clinical/Community Psychology from the University of Maryland (College Park) in 2001, and joined the faculty of the Clinical Psychology Program at George Mason University in 2003.

Cattaneo applies a community psychology orientation to her work, centering on the ways psychology can facilitate and fuel efforts to address social problems, and create a more just society. Community psychology highlights the multiple layers of context influencing individuals and groups, and prioritizes partnership with community members and organizations in research, teaching and advocacy. Broadly, in her Lab for Community REACH (Resilience, Empowerment, Action, Change), Cattaneo and her students are interested in the wellbeing of marginalized populations, exploring and reimagining the role of institutions in societal arrangements, and in catalyzing critical civic awareness and engagement. Within the area of intimate partner violence, Cattaneo’s research has focused on the key constructs of empowerment and survivor-centered practice to explore the best ways to assist survivors. Cattaneo has won awards for excellence in teaching and mentorship from George Mason University and from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.



Lauren Colley

PhD in English literature, University of Nottingham
I studied English at Cambridge, before returning to my home town of Nottingham and doing a Creative Writing Masters. I have now moved onto a English literature PhD and am in my final year. My thesis is multi-disciplinary, engaging with the rise of pedestrian culture in the long nineteenth-century, and the implications that had for literature.
Whilst studying part time I edit and advise on independent articles for a number of popular publications and broad scope of areas.
I have continued my creative writing, publishing my most recent prize-winning book of poems ('Pegging Out') in 2021 with Indigo Dreams.



Lauren Dula

Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Prof. Dula’s work concentrates on public and nonprofit management with a particular focus on governance, philanthropy, and gender and equity issues. She works to combine traditional public administration theories such as representative bureaucracy and institutionalism with theories from sociology and economics in the study of nonprofits and the public sector. She is currently working on research within the realm of philanthropy, intersectionality, bureaucracy, and gender theory.

Dula is a co-recipient of the Inaugural Association of Fundraising Professionals Foundation’s Wilson C. “Bill” Levis Research Grant. She also received a fellowship from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. The Institute works to better understand women’s giving behaviors.



Lauren Etheredge

Research associate in sociology, Mississippi State University
Lauren Etheredge is a Research Associate at Mississippi State University’s Social Science Research Center. She received her B.A. in Sociology and her B.S. in Psychology from Mississippi State University in December of 2023. Her primary research interests include social determinants of physical and mental health, LGBTQ+ health and life outcomes, racial disparities in health and life outcomes, ADHD and Autism assessment and diagnosis, and impacts of AI and social media use. Her undergraduate honors thesis examined barriers to mental healthcare among college students through an intersectional lens. She is currently a sociology master's student, and she expects to pursue her PhD in sociology as well.



Lauren Foley

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Western Michigan University
Dr. Lauren Foley is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and director of the Capital Internship Program at Western Michigan University. She is the author of On the Basis of Race: How Higher Education Navigates Affirmative Action Policies, (NYU Press, forthcoming 2023). Her work has also appeared in Studies in Law, Politics, and Society and the Journal of Law and Education. She was admitted into the Michigan Bar Association in 2009.



Lauren Gardner

Senior Research Fellow & Program Lead of School-Based Health Interventions, University of Sydney
Dr Lauren Gardner is a Senior Research Fellow within the Matilda Centre at the University of Sydney. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology with first class Honours and a PhD in Psychology. As Program Lead of School-Based Health Interventions, Lauren has expertise in the development, evaluation, and translation of digital preventive interventions to enhance adolescent health and wellbeing. The interventions target a range of key health behaviours, including e-cigarette and tobacco cigarette use, alcohol and other drug use, physical activity, diet, sleep, and recreational screen time.



Lauren Gifford

Associate Director of the Soil Carbon Solutions Center, Colorado State University
Lauren Gifford, Ph.D., is a critical geographer exploring intersections of global climate change policy, conservation, markets and justice. Her work asks how, and by whom, carbon is quantified, standardized and commodified for carbon removal solutions. She has particular expertise in carbon markets and offsets, climate finance, climate tech, and UNFCCC processes.

Gifford is Associate Director of the Soil Carbon Solutions Center at Colorado State University, with a faculty affiliation in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability. Through 2023 she is also a Research Scientist with the University of Arizona’s School of Geography, Development and Environment, researching Earth system governance, transformations, tipping points, and safe and just Earth system boundaries with the Earth Commission.



Lauren Graham

Dr. Lauren Graham is a development sociologist with a Doctorate in Sociology from UJ. Her research interests are in the application and testing of social and development theories in practice with a focus on youth, children and people with disabilities and their agency in assessing in impacting on human development outcomes. She has strong expertise in evaluation research and is skilled in the use of both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. She is particularly interested in the use of research methods that take account of the voices of vulnerable groups. Lauren manages a range of research initiatives related to youth including our flagship project- the Siyakha Youth Assets project – which seeks to develop knowledge and interventions to support young people to transition to employment. She also supervises posts graduate students and mentors younger researchers. Every time she has an article published Lauren has a moment of pride but she says ‘achieving my PhD and securing a Newton Advanced Fellowship earlier this year, are some of my proudest moments academically’.



Lauren Herold

Visiting Assistant Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies, Kenyon College
Lauren Herold joined Kenyon in 2022 as a visiting assistant professor of women's and gender studies. Her research explores feminist and LGBTQ cultural production, local and community media, television history, and media activism. Before joining Kenyon, she served as a visiting assistant professor in the Critical Identity Studies Department at Beloit College. Her teaching interests include gender and sexuality studies, LGBTQ media, transgender studies, and feminist and queer theory.



Lauren Johnston

Senior Researcher, South African Institute of International Affairs
Dr Lauren Johnston holds a PhD in Economics from Peking University. She has expertise in and is widely published on the economics and political economy of China-Africa relations, the Belt and Road Initiative and how population ageing impacts China’s economy. Dr Johnston is concurrently an Associate Professor at the China Studies Centre, University of Sydney. She previously worked at the University of Melbourne, Beijing Foreign Studies University, the World Bank, and as an ODI Fellow in the Ministry of Development and Economic Planning of Sierra Leone.



Lauren Kohn

Scholar & Legal Expert: Administrative & Constitutional Law, Department of Public Law (UCT); Attorney of the High Court of SA; Young Research Fellow (UCT); Founder:, University of Cape Town
Lauren is an Administrative and Constitutional Law specialist; an Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa (since 2010) and expert consultant in her public-law fields. She has been lecturing since 2013. She is recognised a Legal Scholar and Young Research Fellow of UCT. She is also the recipient of several Law Faculty Research Prizes for her outstanding and original scholarship, much of which has been judicially endorsed. She is a Mail & Guardian Top 200 Young South African (2018); an inaugural awardee of a Women in Law (WOZA) Award (“Thought Leader, Innovation & Academia”, 2019); and one of South Africa’s “Most Inspiring50-SA Women”, 2020. She is PhD candidate (Leiden) and holds a B.Bus.Sci (Distinction in Law); LLB (Magna Cum Laude, Top student); LLM (Distinction, Top Student)(all UCT).



Lauren Matchison

Associate Professor of Practice, University of Southern California
Lauren is currently the Director of Pre-College Programs, which includes the A-Lab Architecture Development Program and two Exploration of Architecture Programs. She formerly served as the Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies as well as the Interim Director of Landscape Architecture + Urbanism. Lauren began teaching at USC Architecture in 2007.

In 2020 she was named co-winner (with Amy Murphy) of the prestigious ACSA Diversity Achievement award for her work on A-LAB and the School’s wider diversity efforts. She was also recently awarded a USC Good Neighbors grant in support of A-LAB and its mission to expand collegiate opportunities for local high school students. Much of her teaching and leadership at USC Architecture has been geared toward reaching young architecture students. She engages undergraduate students through fundamental courses in design, drawing, culture, research, and shelter, among others. In 2019 she was one of a handful of recipients across USC of the Provost’s Office Teaching Award. Creating a strong culture of mentorship for new students is also among her highest priorities.

Lauren is an Associate Professor of Practice and a licensed architect in California. Her research interests include architectural education and pedagogy, the intersection of architecture with health and wellness, and architecture and socio-cultural practices. Her most recent papers “Achieving Educational Equity: Architecture Development Programs as Transformative Models to Increase Inclusivity in University Admissions” and “Creating an Academic Community of Inquiry: Educating Architects to Replace Parameters with People” reflect these interests. Lauren received a Master of Architecture degree from Syracuse University and a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Arizona.



Lauren Pearson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Monash University
Dr Lauren Pearson is a Research Fellow within the Sustainable Mobility and Safety Research Group, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. Dr Pearson leads a large body of work with the aim of improving accessibility in bike riding, with a particular focus on gender equity. Dr Pearson also manages the Australian activities of an international program of research about implementation of sustainable transport interventions.



Lauren Rea

Lecturer, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Sheffield



Lauren Rosewarne

Dr Lauren Rosewarne is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne. She is a writer, researcher and frequent media commentator on issues relating to gender, sexuality, pop culture and the media.

Lauren is the author of eight books: Sex in Public: Women, Outdoor Advertising and Public Policy (2007), Cheating On The Sisterhood: Infidelity and Feminism (2009), Part-Time Perverts: Sex, Pop Culture and Kink Management (2011) and Periods in Pop Culture: Menstruation in Film and Television (2012), American Taboo (2013) and Masturbation in Pop Culture: Screen, Society, Self (2014). This year, Lauren will have two books published: Cyberbullies, Cyberactivists, Cyberpredators: Film, TV, and Internet Stereotypes (2016) and Intimacy on the Internet: Media Representations of Online Connections (2016).

For more information, please visit her website: and feel free to get in touch at [email protected].



Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Lauren Sudeall Lucas is assistant Professor of Law at the Georgia State University. She joined faculty of GSU College of Law in 2012, where she teaches Constitutional Law and Capital Punishment.
Soros Justice Fellow/Staff Attorney, Southern Center for Human Rights (2007-12)
Clerk to Justice John Paul Stevens, U.S. Supreme Court (2006-07)
Clerk to Judge Stephen Reinhardt, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (2005-06)



Lauren Westerberg

Doctoral Candidate in Human Development and Family Science, Purdue University
Lauren Westerberg, M.S., is a doctoral candidate at Purdue and her work focuses on understanding how environmental factors, including home and classroom contexts, contribute to the development of children’s STEM knowledge and skills and on developing early STEM assessments that can be used in both the research and classroom settings.



Lauren A. Miller

PhD Student in AR filters and digital beauty cultures on social media, Swinburne University of Technology
Lauren A. Miller is currently a confirmed PhD student at Swinburne University of Technology. Prior to returning to study, Lauren spent almost a decade working in marketing and social media management. Lauren's PhD project examines Instagram’s augmented reality filters through a socio-technical lens, with a focus on how the technology impacts beauty and surgery culture. Lauren's research interest include feminist approaches to social media, digital privacy/surveillance, digital beauty cultures, theories of the technology user as cyborg, and digital embodiment praxis.



Lauren A. Siegel

Lecturer, University of Greenwich
Dr. Lauren Siegel is a Lecturer in Tourism & Events at the University of Greenwich in London. Lauren's research focuses on how social media have transformed experiences into objects of collectible consumption and visitor impacts to destinations considered 'Instagrammable'. Lauren earned her MSc from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hons) and her PhD from the University of Surrey. Her research is centred on all things leisure and technology, and is published widely in both academic and industry journals.

Personally, Lauren is a keen traveller and considers local and authentic experiences very precious. Lauren also considers herself pretty witty, but not all will agree.



Lauren Lassabe Shepherd

Instructor, School of Education, University of New Orleans
Lauren Lassabe Shepherd is a historian who studies the political history of the American academy, especially its relationship to the 20th century conservative movement. Shepherd’s first book, "Resistance from the Right: Conservatives and the Campus Wars" (University of North Carolina Press, 2023) traced how conservative activists shaped higher education policy, precedent, and law in the wake of 1960s antiwar and civil rights movements.

Shepherd was recently profiled in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education as part of its Class of 2024 leading women in the field of higher education. Her work and commentary have been featured in The Washington Post, The Atlantic, TIME Magazine, NPR, POLITICO, Vox, The Nation, Jacobin, The Daily Beast, Lapham’s Quarterly, and Contingent Magazine.

Shepherd is an instructor in the School of Education at the University of New Orleans and an IUPUI-Society for US Intellectual History Community Scholar.

In addition to research and writing, she enjoys teaching Pilates and practicing yoga. She lives with her husband and their dogs in South Mississippi.



Lauren Nichola Colley

PhD in English literature, University of Nottingham
I studied English at Cambridge, before returning to my home town of Nottingham and doing a Creative Writing Masters. I have now moved onto a English literature PhD and am in my final year. My thesis is multi-disciplinary, engaging with the rise of pedestrian culture in the long nineteenth-century, and the implications that had for literature.
Whilst studying part time I edit and advise on independent articles for a number of popular publications and broad scope of areas.
I have continued my creative writing, publishing my most recent prize-winning book of poems ('Pegging Out') in 2021 with Indigo Dreams.



Lauren P. Bailes

Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Delaware
Lauren Bailes is an assistant professor in the School of Education at the University of Delaware. Her scholarship focuses on the ways in which organizational, social-cognitive, and leadership theory unite to promote the success of school leaders and K12 students. Specifically, she addresses three distinct strands of research: social cognitive theory and the efficacy beliefs of school stakeholders, especially as they relate to school organizational characteristics; school leader preparation, placement, and evaluation; and shared influences of leaders and organizations on favorable conditions for student success. She received her doctorate in Educational Administration from The Ohio State University. Prior to receiving her doctorate, she taught middle school English Language Arts (ELA) in Brooklyn, New York, designed ELA curriculum and assessments for 5th-8th grade students, and served as a professional development and literacy coach in Columbus, Ohio.



Lauren T. May

Senior Lecturer and Group Leader, Drug Discovery Biology, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University
Dr May leads the Cardiac GPCR Biology laboratory at Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS), Monash University. Dr May uses her molecular pharmacology expertise to apply new and innovative drug discovery approaches to facilitate the development of safe and effective therapeutics. She employs multidisciplinary methods to achieve these research goals, including artificial intelligence, computational biology, and molecular and analytical pharmacology. Dr. May has secured significant competitive funding, which has led to impactful publications in Nature, Cell, Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communications, and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.

Dr May is committed to improving health outcomes as advisory member for the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance Drug Discovery Flagship and inaugural Chair of the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Climate Health Initiative. Dr May is an advocate for diversity in science, co-founder and past chair of Her Research Matters (2021 Monash University Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion) and a member of the 2019 International Women’s Forum (IWFA) Emerging Leaders Cohort.



Laurence Booth

Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Professor Booth holds the CIT chair in structured finance at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto where he was also the finance area co-ordinator for almost 21 years. His major research interests are in corporate finance and the behaviour of regulated industries. He teaches corporate finance and asset allocation in Rotman’s graduate programmes and in 2003 was awarded the Financial Post’s Leader in Management Education Award.



Laurence Don Wai Luu

Lecturer and Chancellor's Research Fellow, School of Life Sciences, University of Technology Sydney
Laurence Luu is a Chancellor's Research Fellow (CPDRF). His current research program investigates chlamydia host-pathogen interactions using a systems biology approach (transcriptomic, proteomic and functional genomics) and new organoid models to better understand how chlamydia infection leads to infertility. This knowledge will be used to develop new interventions to reduce the significant burden of chlamydia.

Prior to joining Prof Huston's group, Laurence completed his PhD in the Evolutionary Microbiology lab under the supervision of Prof. Ruiting Lan and Dr. Sophie Octavia at UNSW. Here, he investigated the evolution of Bordetella pertussis (which causes whooping cough) to vaccines. During his PhD, he discovered new proteomic adaptations that were associated with increased fitness in the current Australian B. pertussis strains circulating. This discovery garnered widespread media attention and led to a national call to improve vaccines for whooping cough.

Laurence continued his research at UNSW as a postdoctoral researcher in A/Prof Natalia Castaño Rodríguez's and A/Prof. Nadeem Kaakoush's research group where he investigated how interactions between host immunogenetics and the microbiome can lead to cancers of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory bowel diseases.



Laurence Jones

Lecturer in Finance, Bangor University
I am a Lecturer in Finance here at Bangor University and Lead of the Institute of European Finance’s “Financial Innovation and Data Analytics” research group.

My current research focus is on:

Modelling dynamic systems to explore how they respond to regulatory and external changes,
Retail investor behaviour
Predictive data analytics in a variety of business settings to enhance decision making.
I also have research interests in: Labour Economics, Data Analytics, Stock Recommendations, Credit Ratings, Regulation and policy impact.

My background includes:

Head of Data and Analytics at a Financial Technology start-up analysing the performance of stock recommendations
PhD was in Banking and Finance where I investigated the impact of new regulation on Credit Rating Agency and Bank behaviour and applied a dynamic computer modelling technique to the task (Dynamic Structural Estimation modelling and Discrete Choice Dynamic Programming).
Held roles both in data scientist and as a mathematician/statistician.
The Alun Turing Institute’s Bangor Theme Champion for “Economy and Finance, Autonomous Systems”.
Undergraduate BSc (Hons) in Physics from University of Warwick.



Laurence Monnier

Research Associate and member of the EDHECinfra Advisory Board, EDHEC Business School



Laurence Murphy

Senior Lecturer & Researcher in Media Technology, University of Salford
Laurence Murphy is Senior Lecturer in Media Technology and programme leader for the BSc Media Technology Pathway programme at Media city

He is an active researcher in Mobile and Internet broadcast systems, High Definition , 4K & 3D Television and Digital cinema. He is currently engaged in PHD research into changing media technologies and their impact on both the Broadcast industries and the viewer.

Laurence began his operational career as a location sound recordist in 1985 whilst studying for his 1st degree. After a move into Camera work he progressed into studio and outside broadcast technical management. He is an active camera and engineering consultant for a number of broadcast companies and manufacturers.

He began his association with Salford University in 1992. He designed the four camera studios within the school. His academic career began with a BA in Communication Media in 1986, his second degree MA in Television and Documentary he completed in 1999.

In September 2000 Laurence became programme leader of the BSc Media Technology programme.

In 2007 Laurence designed the first undergraduate technology degree in the UK to focus on the newest areas of Broadcast Media, Mobile and Internet Television. The Programme took its first students in Sep 2008 and is a joint programme between the Schools of Media, Music and Performance and Computing, Science and Engineering at Salford.



Laurence Zwiebel

Professor of Biological Sciences and of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University
The major focus of the Zwiebel laboratory is the characterization of specific genes and their products that control important behavioral processes in the life cycle of insects that act as disease vectors, particularly host (i.e. blood-meal source) seeking/selection in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae, the principal vector for malaria in Africa. Malaria is caused by a protozoan parasite of the genus Plasmodium that is transmitted to humans through blood feeding by female Anopheline mosquitoes. In this context, the Zwiebel lab is examining the molecular events of olfaction, as this sense predominates the overall host preference and other essential behaviors in mosquitoes and other insects. This aspect of the mosquito’s behavior is especially important as it makes a significant contribution to the vectorial capacity of this arthropod vector, as well as playing a similar role in the overall impact of many other insects of economic importance.



Laurencia Villalba

Honorary fellow, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Wollongong
Associate Professor Villalba is Wollongong’s only female vascular surgeon. Laurencia is the Head of the Vascular department at Wollongong Hospital and founder of the Vascular Care Centre, located on Crown St, Wollongong.

In 2018 Laurencia was selected to become a member of the Court of Examiners, this is a board of high performing surgeons who assess the competencies of candidates, in order to ensure that they are safe and competent to practice as surgeons. Laurencia is the first ever female surgeon to be a part of this prestigious group.

Laurencia became an Associate Professor in 2017 and has been teaching at Wollongong University since 2008. She is a highly sought after national and international speaker, speaking at medical conferences around the globe on topics such as May Thurner syndrome, Deep vein thrombosis and Pulmonary embolism treatment. “I believe in quality of life, patient education and personalized care. I treat all my patients as if they were my own family”



Laurent Bazinet

Professeur en sciences et technologies des aliments, Université Laval
Le Dr Laurent BAZINET est professeur, au département de Sciences des Aliments, à l'Université Laval où il enseigne l’ingénierie des procédés industriels alimentaires. Il est titulaire de la Chaire de Recherche en partenariat sur la Valorisation Intégrée des coproduits par des Technologies ALimentaires écoefficientes dans le cadre d’une Économie circulaire et directeur du Laboratoire International Associé sur la Bioproduction d’Antimicrobiens Naturels.

Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur l’étude des phénomènes électrodialytiques et leurs impacts sur les composés bio-alimentaires et leurs bénéfices santé. Il dirige 2 M.Sc., 10 Ph.D et 5 Post-doc dans le cadre de projets de recherche dont le budget total annuel s’élève à plus de 1.0 M$. Le Dr. Bazinet a publié plus de 267 articles et depuis 2020, il est reconnu comme le leader mondial de l'électrodialyse avec membrane de filtration et comme faisant partie du 2% des meilleurs scientifiques au monde.



Laurent Fourchard

Research Fellow, Sciences Po
Laurent Fourchard, historian and political scientist, is a research professor at the National Foundation for Political Science (CERI).

Research Fields: Violence and security, governance of metropolises, vigilantism, history and political sociology of Nigeria and South Africa, history and historiography of contemporary Africa, History of Nigerian migration to Italy.



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