

Patrick Faubert

Professor - Industrial ecology and climate change mitigation, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
Industrial ecology; climate change mitigation; sustainable development; circular economy; greenhouse gas management; soil-atmosphere gas exchanges; biogenic volatile organic compounds



Patrick Finnerty

PhD candidate - Behavioural Ecology and Conservation Research, University of Sydney
I am a PhD student from the University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences (SOLES) studying how we can strategically exploit plant odours to manipulate wild mammalian herbivore foraging behaviour as a conservation and wildlife management tool.



Patrick Flanery

Chair in Creative Writing, University of Adelaide
Patrick Flanery is Chair in Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide. Prior to joining Adelaide, he was Professor at the University of Reading, and subsequently Professor and Director of Creative Writing at Queen Mary University of London. He is the author of the novels 'Night for Day' (2019), 'I Am No One' (2016), 'Fallen Land' (2013) and 'Absolution' (2012), which was shortlisted for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award and the Royal Society of Literature’s Ondaatje Prize, among others. In 2019 he published a volume of creative nonfiction, 'The Ginger Child: On Family, Loss and Adoption'. His creative and critical work has appeared in 'Granta', 'Zoetrope: All Story', 'The Hopkins Review', 'The Times Literary Supplement', 'The Washington Post', 'The Guardian', 'The Los Angeles Times', and 'The Spectator', among others. He has held fellowships at MacDowell, the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center, the Santa Maddalena Foundation, and the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study.



Patrick G. Watson

I am the principal investigator of three SSHRC-funded projects studying policing and police oversight. I am currently writing a book based on the first of these projects, a study of eight criminal trials in Canada and the United States where police officers were tried for on-duty shooting incidents and where video evidence played a key role in the trial. My current studies are of special investigations units decisions of officer "reasonablenss" for cases that do not proceed to trial. I am the first Canadian scholar to be the successful principal applicant of the SSHRC/DFG/ESRC/ARN Open Research Area grant (2022 competition).



Patrick James

Dornsife Dean’s Professor of International Relations, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Patrick James is is Dornsife Dean’s Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California (PhD, University of Maryland, College Park). James specializes in comparative and international politics. His interests at the international level include the causes, processes and consequences of conflict, crisis and war. With regard to domestic politics, his interests focus on Canada, most notably with respect to the constitutional dilemma. James is the author or editor of 30 books and over 150 articles and book chapters. Among his honors and awards are the Louise Dyer Peace Fellowship from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, the Milton R. Merrill Chair from Political Science at Utah State University, Lady Davis Professorship of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Thomas Enders Professorship in Canadian Studies at the University of Calgary, Senior Scholar award from the Canadian Embassy, Washington, DC, Eaton Lectureship at Queen’s University in Belfast, Quincy Wright Scholar Award from the International Studies Association (ISA) (Midwest), Beijing Foreign Studies University Eminent Scholar, Eccles Professor of the British Library and Ole R. Holsti Distinguished Scholar of the ISA (West). He is a past president of the ISA (Midwest) and the Iowa Conference of Political Scientists. James has been Distinguished Scholar in Foreign Policy Analysis for the ISA, 2006-07, and Distinguished Scholar in Ethnicity, Nationalism and Migration for ISA, 2009-10. He served as President, 2007-09, of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, President of the International Council for Canadian Studies, 2011-13, President of the Peace Science Society, 2016-17, and President of the International Studies Association, 2018-19. James also served a five-year term as Editor of International Studies Quarterly.



Patrick Kinghan

PhD Candidate, Faculty of Education and Research Assistant, Western University
I am currently in the first year of my PhD at the Faculty of Education at Western University. I am studying the experiences of Black students at Canadian universities using oral history interviews with Black alumni--research I have continued over from my Master's degree. My MA and Bachelor's Degrees are both in history with a focus on Black history and public history. Between my MA and my PhD I worked in several public history positions including as an archivist for the London Black History Coordinating Committee and a researcher for a children's TV show called Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum.



Patrick Leman

Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor of Psychology, University of Waikato
I am a developmental social psychologist, My research explores how social relationships and wider social context influences children's and adolescents' understanding of themselves and others, and their acquisition of knowledge. I have active research interests also in the arts and psychology, mental health, and adults' epistemological understanding.



Patrick Lin

Professor of Philosophy, California Polytechnic State University
Patrick Lin, PhD, is the director of the Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group at Cal Poly, where he is a philosophy professor. He also serves on the US National Space Council’s Users’ Advisory Group (UAG) and is affiliated with Stanford Law School, Czech Academy of Sciences, World Economic Forum, Aurelia Institute, For All Moonkind, AIAA, and others. Previous affiliations include Stanford Engineering, US Naval Academy, Dartmouth, Univ. of Iceland (Fulbright specialist), Center for a New American Security, New America Foundation, UNIDIR, 100 Year Study on AI, and more. Prof. Lin is well published in technology ethics, incl. cyber, space development, AI, robotics, military systems, bioengineering, materials science, and more.

More details here:



Patrick Louchouarn

Professor of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University
Dr. Louchouarn joined The Ohio State University in 2022 as the senior vice provost for faculty. In this position, he leads the inaugural Office of Faculty Affairs at Ohio State. He is also a professor at the School of Earth Sciences. His multidisciplinary research focuses on understanding the impacts of environmental perturbations on biogeochemical cycling at ecosystem interfaces and addressing capacity building in earth and environmental education in diverse communities. The orientation of his research in biogeochemistry deals with: the identification of fire markers and combustion byproducts in complex environmental mixtures and their application to reconstructions of fire/combustion history, and natural and human-induced fluctuations in material fluxes within watersheds.  In parallel, to address issues of learning and thinking in the environmental sciences, Dr. Louchouarn incorporates this research into inquiry-based educational models that question how people learn and make decisions on environmental issues.



Patrick Michel

Astrophysicien, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Responsable Scientifique de la mission spatiale Hera (ESA), Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Laboratoire Lagrange, Université Côte d’Azur
Dr. Patrick Michel est le responsable scientifique de la mission Hera de l’ESA et de l’équipe Théories et Observations en Planétologie (TOP) du laboratoire Lagrange/CNRS de l’Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur à Nice, France. Avec plus de 200 publications dans des journaux internationaux à comité de lecture, il est Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, et a le rôle de coordinateur du projet NEO-MAPP financé par le programme H2020 de l’Union Européenne. Il dirige ou contribue fortement à des projets de recherches et des missions spatiales consacrés aux astéroïdes et à la défense planétaire, tels que OSIRIS-REx (NASA), Hayabusa2 et MMX (JAXA). Il co-dirige la coopération AIDA qui comprend les scientifiques impliqués à la fois dans les missions DART (NASA) et Hera (ESA) ; il est Président du Groupe de Travail Géocroiseurs de l’Union Astronomique Internationale (UAI) et membre du comité de pilotage du réseau international d’alerte des astéroïdes (IAWN). Ces recherches se consacrent au processus de collision entre astéroïdes, à l’origine et l’évolution dynamique des géocroiseurs, aux propriétés physiques des astéroïdes et à leur réponse aux impacts, aux effets de marée, aux vibrations et aux modifications de leur taux de rotation. Il a reçu la Médaille d’Argent de la NASA, le Prix international Paolo Farinella 2013 pour sa contribution au processus de collision, la Médaille Carl Sagan de la Division Américaine de Sciences Planétaires pour son excellence dans sa communication avec le grand public et le Prix Jeune Chercheur 2006 de la Société Française d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique. L’astéroïde 7156 Patrickmichel lui a été attribué par l’UAI.



Patrick Nyamaruze

Post-doctoral research fellow, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Patrick Nyamaruze recently earned his PhD from the University of KwaZulu Natal. He is currently completing a post-doctoral fellowship at HEARD. His areas of specialization include adolescent sexual and reproductive health, gender and sexual diversity, mental health and health promotion research.



Patrick Quinn

Principal Research Fellow in Archeology, UCL
Patrick Sean Quinn is Principal Research Fellow in Ceramic Petrography at University College London Institute of Archaeology. He is one of the world’s leading experts on the scientific analysis of ancient ceramics and has written several textbooks on this topic. He is also a long-time skateboarder and is interested in the heritage of late twentieth-century cultural phenomena.



Patrick Richards

PhD Candidate, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan
I am a life-long educator currently completing my PhD in Education. My academic expertise has covered civic issues in education such as the attempts to provide basic education globally and democratic possibilities in school systems. Specifically, my dissertation explores educational policy in Saskatchewan and the role of various groups in its development. As an educator, I have taught history and Indigenous studies at the secondary and post-secondary levels.



Patrick Sears

Senior Lecturer in Chemistry and Forensic Analysis, University of Surrey
Dr Patrick Sears is a Senior Lecturer of Chemistry and Forensic analysis at the University of Surrey in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. He teaches forensic analysis across all years and supervises placements, final year projects and PhD students. His research expertise and background include developing analytical chemistry solutions for complex problems and understanding how analytical systems can be broken down to improve precision and accuracy. He collaborates with a number of companies including AstraZeneca, LGC and Waters. Having joined the university in 2018, Patrick previously worked at the defence science and technology laboratory (DSTL).



Patrick Shafto

I am Henry Rutgers Term Chair in Data Science and Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Rutgers - Newark. I am also affiliated with the Institute for Data Science, Learning and Applications (I-DSLA) and have appointments in Psychology, Rutgers Business School, and the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience (CMBN) at Rutgers.

I lead the CoDaS lab. The goal of my research is to bridge Cognitive Science and Data Science by understanding human perception and cognition and developing more cognitively natural machine learning and data science tools.



Patrick Stokes

I'm a philosopher at Deakin University, and have previously held research fellowships in the UK (I'm an honorary Research Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire), Denmark and the US.

My areas of research include personal identity, philosophy of death and remembrance, 19th and 20th century European philosophy (especially the work of Søren Kierkegaard) and moral psychology.

As well as The Conversation, I'm a regular contributor to New Philosopher and pop up from time to time on The Drum, 774 Melbourne, 3RRR, Radio National, The Age, and other places.



Patrick Sullivan1

Professor, University of Notre Dame Australia
I am a political anthropologist whose work for Aboriginal organisations since the early 1980s involves practical research and advice on issues of land use and distribution, community control of community development, and governance institutions at the local and regional levels. For two separate periods I was the Senior Anthropologist for the Kimberley Land Council, formulating anthropological and policy advice on local, national and international projects, as well as native title cases. From 2002 to 2012 I was a Research Fellow, and Senior Research Fellow, in Indigenous Regional Organisation, Governance and Public Policy at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. I concentrated my research on public policy approaches to Indigenous affairs. I have authored numerous scholarly articles and practical reports, and the book Belonging Together: Dealing with the Politics of Disenchantment in Australian Indigenous Policy (Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra 2011). I am currently an Honorary Professor at the Crawford School for Public Policy (ANU), and a Professor at the Nulungu Research Institute, University of Notre Dame Australia, Broome. I led the ARC-funded project Reciprocal Accountability and Public Value in Aboriginal Organisations.



Patrick Usmar

Lecturer in Critical Media Literacies, Auckland University of Technology
Moving from making media messages to researching and teaching how best to understand them, Patrick is passionate about continually improving media literacy skills in adults and young people alike. Patrick has worked in media and communications since 1998 and has been a teaching academic at AUT University since 2013. In his early career he worked as a media planner buyer, keeping a close eye on the media landscape, changes in audience attitudes and the language of communications. As his career matured, he took these skills into innovative communication areas such as television production and public relations. His doctoral research investigates how media literacy skills empower young people to understand the media as it relates to their experience of the social world— especially those issues related to identity, power, gender, class and race inequities.



Patrick Wright

Associate Lecturer in Arts and Humanities, Open University, The Open University
Patrick Wright received his PhD in English from the University of Manchester in 2007. He also holds two MAs, in English and in Creative Writing, from the same institution.

His AHRC-funded doctoral thesis focused on the sublime within a broader discourse on the sacred, making use of feminist and psychoanalytic theory. This project was supervised by Professor Terry Eagleton and Dr Anke Bernau.

He has been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize, and he has a pamphlet, Nullaby, published by Eyewear. His full debut collection, Shadows on the Ceiling, will be published in 2020 by the same publisher.

His poems have been published in several anthologies and magazines, most recently Agenda, The Reader, Iota, The High Window, and Wasafiri.

He is studying towards a second PhD in Creative Writing, focusing on innovative ekphrastic responses to modern art, supervised by Siobhan Campbell and Jane Yeh.

Research interests include literature from 1800 to the present, modern and contemporary poetry, art history, place writing, and issues of genre and translation.

He teaches on A111, A105, A233, and A335, and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

He has also taught English, at the University of Manchester and the University of Salford, and Art History and Visual Culture, at the Manchester Metropolitan University.

He is especially interested to hear from students looking to pursue literature or creative writing routes.

Email address: [email protected]



Patrick F Walsh

Professor Intelligence and Security Studies, Charles Sturt University
Professor Patrick F Walsh is a Professor, Intelligence and Security studies at the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security, Charles Sturt University, Australia. He consults to government and his research focuses on a range of intelligence capability issues including governance, leadership, intelligence and ethics, biosecurity, health security and cyber. He is the author of Intelligence and Intelligence Analysis, Routledge, UK 2011; Intelligence, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2018; and Intelligence Leadership and Governance. Building Effective Intelligence Communities in the 21st Century, Routledge, 2020



Patrick I. Hancock

Postdoctoral fellow, University of Virginia
Patrick I. Hancock is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. His research focuses on developing collaborative and behaviorally informed engineering practices that facilitate processes and generate outcomes that meet community definitions of social justice. Patrick’s work has appeared in Nature Sustainability, American Psychologist and iScience.



Patrick R. Lowenthal

Professor of Educational Technology, Boise State University
Patrick R. Lowenthal is a Professor of Educational Technology at Boise State University. He specializes in designing and developing online learning environments. His research focuses on how people communicate using emerging technologies—with a specific focus on issues of presence, identity, and community--in online learning environments.



Patrizia Gentile

Professor, Sexuality Studies/Human Rights & Social Justice, Carleton University
Research Interests: Cultural/gender history; history of sexuality; history and theory of the body; beauty contests; national security; queer theory

Cross-appointments: Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies/Feminist Institute of Social Transformation

Patrizia Gentile, Queen of the Maple Leaf: Beauty Contests and Settler Femininity (UBC Press,October 2020).
(Queen of the Maple of Leaf is nominated for the Canadian Historical Association Best Scholarly Book in Canadian History Prize 2021.)

Gary Kinsman and Patrizia Gentile. The Canadian War on Queers: National Security as Sexual Regulation. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2010).

Patrizia Gentile, Gary Kinsman, and L.Pauline Rankin, eds. We Still Demand!: Redefining Resistance in Sex and Gender Struggles. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2016)

Patrizia Gentile and Jane Nicholas, eds. Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014)



Patrizia Quattrocchi

Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Università degli Studi di Udine
Patrizia Quattrocchi is a Professor in cultural and medical anthropology at the University of Udine, Italy. Her research interests include reproductive health and policies, with a particular focus on the differing responses to the overmedicalisation of birth, depending on the context. She conducted ethnographic research on indigenous Lenca midwifery in Honduras (1998) and in Mayan communities in Mexico (2000–2009), out-of-hospital birth in Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands (2010–2015), and obstetric violence in Argentina (2016–2018). She was twice awarded a Marie Sklodowska Curie Grant by the European Union (7FP and Horizon2020). As a result of the second project, titled “Obstetric violence. A new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth”, she is the coordinator of the Platform of Obstetric Violence, and continues her research on the topic in Latin America and in Europe. A new project on obstetric violence has recently been funded by the Marie Sklodowska Curie Action programme (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-Staff Exchange, 2024-2027). As the coordinator of the project (International Platform on Obstetric Violence-IPOV-RESPECTFULCARE), Professor Quattrocchi led a large international partnership made up of 19 institutions from 6 European countries and 3 Latin American countries, and a team of 40 experts, including researchers, professors, health professionals and members of civil society organisations ( ). She is also the author of the study “Obstetric violence in the European Union: Situational analysis and policy recommendations”, funded by the European Commission (2024).



Patrycja Klusak

Affiliated Researcher, Bennett Institute of Public Policy, University of Cambridge and Associate Professor in Banking and Finance, University of East Anglia
Dr Patrycja Klusak is an Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at University of East Anglia and an Affiliated Researcher at Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge.

Her research investigates the behaviour and regulation of credit ratings agencies (CRAs), and their effects on financial systems. Her work evaluates the extent to which regulations achieve their aims, or whether they lead to unintended consequences. Her research also examines the relationship between firms’ financial flexibility and their ratings, the extent of herding behaviour by CRAs, potential conflicts of interests in the CRA industry, and the effect of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics on firm ratings. Her interdisciplinary work combines climate science and environmental economics with her expertise in empirical banking and applied econometrics to investigate how climate change risks have and could affect sovereign ratings.

Dr Klusak holds a PhD in Accounting and Finance and a BA in Banking and Finance from Bangor University, and an MPhil in Real Estate Finance at Cambridge University.



Patryk Labuda

Research Fellow, University of Zurich
Patryk I. Labuda is a Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow at the University of Zurich. A former practitioner with experience in central and north Africa, Patryk draws on interdisciplinary methods to study how international institutions interpret legal norms to achieve public policy aims. He specialises in international (criminal) law, human rights, and peace and security studies. He has 14 years of work and research experience in central and north Africa, with a regional focus on the politics of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Sudan and South Sudan. His first book ‘International Criminal Tribunals and Domestic Accountability: In the Court's Shadow' (OUP) was published in 2023. Patryk holds a PhD from the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.



Patryk Makowski

PhD Candidate, Technological University of the Shannon
I am a devoted scholar with a strong interest in leadership dynamics and work behaviours, currently pursuing a PhD at the Technological University of the Shannon: Midland Midwest. My research, inspired by my Master's in General Business Studies and the global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, focuses on the relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement in the context of remote work, encapsulating my dual commitment to personal growth and societal contribution.



Patryk Szewczyk

Patryk is a security lecturer at Edith Cowan University and a member of the ECU Security Research Institute.



Patti Shih

Research Fellow & Lecturer, University of Wollongong
I am Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Health Engagement Evidence & Values (ACHEEV), and the Academic Program Director of the Bachelor with Honours Program at the School of Health & Society, University of Wollongong. I am a sociologist specialising in social and cultural aspects of healthcare and medicine. My current research focuses on public and consumer engagement in healthcare, and the implications of health technologies on medical overuse. I am currently developing new expertise and approaches in deliberative methods, co-design & co-research. I lecture in health policy, research methods, and justice and health.



Paul Anand

I have held fellowships in Oxford and Cambridge Universities and am currently a Professor at the Open University, Research Associate at Oxford University and the London School of Economics.

My work stems from long standing interests in the foundations of decision sciences, used to be primarily normative, and have argued for the expansion of decision theory beyond older conceptions of rational choice, something that has, broadly speaking, taken place both in economics and philosophy. In recent years, I have been interested in the operationalisation of Sen’s capabilities approach to welfare economics and its use in debates about the measurement of progress.

Earlier work has been published in a variety of leading economics journals including The Economic Journal, Theory and Decision, Oxford Economic Papers, Economica, Journal of Health Economics, Annals of Operations Research and much of it is collected in my monograph Foundations of Rational Choice Under Risk published by Oxford University Press in 1993 (with reprints in 1995 and 2002). In addition, I have just edited and contributed to the Oxford University Press Handbook of Rational and Social Choice with Professor Prasanta Pattanaik (Riverside, University of California, USA) and Professor Clemens Puppe (Karlsruhe University, Germany) to be published in 2008. Work on capabilities and wellbeing is summarised in greater detail on the capabilities measurement project website.

I have also been interested in the interaction these theories and their development in policy contexts or experimental and survey based work. This work has been published in a wide variety of scientific journals including Science, Journal of Theoretical Politics, British Journal of Management, Social Theory and Practice, Social Indicators Research, Health Care Analysis and the Journal of Economic Psychology.

Having taught research methods at graduate level for five years and acted as a consultant researcher on economic statistics to the OECD and NAO my most recent work brings a these interests together with interests in the foundations of social choice. With about 25 colleagues, at the latest count, I have sought to demonstrate the extent to which the measurement of human capabilities is feasible along multiple dimensions and explore the techniques that can be applied to such measurements. This work has resulted in approximately a dozen publications and has been incorporated into research projects in Oxford, Glasgow and Buenos Aires.



Paul Arnell

Reader in Law, Robert Gordon University
Dr Arnell has an interest in extradition, transnational criminal justice, criminal jurisdiction and human rights. He has published widely in those areas, including in the law journals International and Comparative Law Quarterly, the International Journal of Human Rights and the Criminal Law Forum and newspapers the Times, Scotsman and National.



Paul Aveyard

Professor of Behavioural Medicine, University of Oxford
My research focuses on behavioural medicine. This is the integration of biological, psychological and sociological knowledge to prevent and treat disease and to aid rehabilitation. You can read more about our research on our team website here

My work focuses on helping people change their behaviour, either to prevent serious disease, or as a treatment for that disease.

A lot of my work has examined interventions to help people stop or reduce their smoking and lately I have worked in helping people manage their weight if they have become obese.

People often use several drugs to help them stop smoking but our research suggested that combining these drugs does not help more than taking only one of them. Our research has shown that people who stop smoking put on a considerable amount of weight and we are investigating the best ways to prevent this weight gain but without harming the chance of stopping smoking.

One of our trials showed that people who were referred to commercial weight management providers lost more weight than people who tried to lose weight without support. However, people who went to their GP or practice nurse for support did no better than people trying without support. This result helped change government policy and local health organisations now contract with commercial weight providers. We have also shown that a brief 30-second behavioural intervention delivered by a clinician opportunistically can motivate a person to take up effective support and lose weight. Such brief interventions were highly acceptable to patients and easy for clinicians to deliver.

I work with several other organisations to improve health and healthcare. I am former president of the UK Society of Behavioural Medicine, a former trustee of the Association for the Study of Obesity, a member of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. I am a senior editor of the journal Addiction and coordinating editor of the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group. I have worked on several NICE working groups and advised the Department of Health and NHS England on smoking and obesity.

I try to make my publications available to everyone. Please have a look for them here or on

I am an NIHR senior investigator.



Paul Barrett

Individual Merit Researcher, Natural History Museum
My major research interests are centred on the evolutionary palaeobiology of dinosaurs and other extinct amniotes. In addition, I am involved in projects to investigate macroevolutionary mechanisms, the evolution of Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems and potential biases in the fossil record. Research is concentrated in three main areas:

1. Pattern and process in macroevolution. Controls on dinosaur diversity through time; testing of plant–dinosaur co-evolutionary scenarios; clade-clade interactions; correlated progression; influence of the rock record, collection bias and climate on fossil reptile diversity.

2. Functional morphology, palaeobiology and palaeoecology of herbivorous amniotes, principally sauropodomorph and ornithischian dinosaurs.

3. Taxonomic, systematic and faunal revisions of dinosaurs and other extinct reptiles (including lizards, plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs).



Paul Bowman

Professor of Cultural Studies, Cardiff University
BA, English; MA, Cultural Studies; PhD, Cultural Studies (cultural theory, political theory, deconstruction).

Author of many books on cultural theory, popular culture, film and martial arts; founder and director of The Martial Arts Studies Research Network, and co-editor of the journal Martial Arts Studies.

Most recent book: The Invention of Martial Arts: Popular Culture Between Asia and America (Oxford University Press, 2021).



Paul Chambers

PhD Candidate in Creative Writing, University of Bristol
Paul Chambers is an award-winning poet and a PhD candidate in Creative Writing at the University of Bristol. His creative practice centres on haiku poetry and his research focuses on poetic negative space as a vehicle for contemplative ecology. He also holds an MA in Screenwriting from the London Film School.

Paul has contributed creative and critical material to the Times Literary Supplement, the Washington Post, the BBC, NHK World, Wales Arts Review, and the national Japanese newspapers, the Mainichi and the Asahi Shimbun. He is also a regular Arts critic for BBC Radio Wales.

Paul's individual poems have won the Museum of Haiku Literature Award, the NHK Haiku Masters Award, and the Golden Triangle Haiku Award. His 2021 collection, The Dry Bones won the Haiku Foundation’s Touchstone Distinguished Book Award – the most prestigious prize in the field of English-language haiku.



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