

Zahra Stardust

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre of Excellence in Automated Decision-Making and Society, Queensland University of Technology
Zahra Stardust is a porn studies scholar interested in the regulation of sexual cultures. Her work specialises in sexual media and sextech, focusing on the politics of sexual content moderation (including the production, distribution and regulation of explicit media), and the development of community-led, social justice sextech. Her first book Indie Porn: Revolution, Regulation and Resistance (Duke University Press, 2024) explores the clash between indie porn producers, governments and big tech. Her next co-authored book, Sextech: A Critical Introduction (Polity Press, 2025), explores key debates in sextech design, manufacture and governance. Zahra is a Lecturer in Digital Communication at the Queensland University of Technology, an Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard University and an Associate Researcher at the Sex Tech Lab at the New School.



Zahra F. Islam

Postdoctoral research fellow, The University of Melbourne
Postdoctoral research fellow in plant-soil microbiomes in agriculture.



Zahraa Kapasi

Researcher at SCRAP Weapons, SOAS, University of London
Zahraa Kapasi is a consultant for SCRAP Weapons, a project housed at SOAS University of London, which advocates for General and Complete Disarmament, and is also a researcher on the United Nations War Crimes Commission. At SCRAP Weapons she focuses on youth engagement and strategic outreach, with a particular interest in cultural diplomacy, interfaith dialogue on disarmament and archival research. She is an alumnus of SOAS University of London with a Masters in International Studies and Diplomacy.



Zainab Tahir

Marine Heritage Analyst and PhD Candidate, Flinders University
I graduated from Hasanuddin University in South Sulawesi, majoring in Archaeology and
School of Earth and Environmental Science, James Cook University, Australia, focusing
on Marine Protected Area Management. I am working as a Marine Heritage Analyst for the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia. My major responsibilities are conducting assessments for underwater site management, overseeing collections, and supervising the management activities of the Marine Heritage Gallery in Jakarta and underwater artifacts storage in Cileungsi, West Java.
Currently, I am a Ph.D. candidate at Flinders University with a research focus on Underwater Cultural Research Management for shipwrecks and their associated cargoes.



Zainab Younes

PhD Candidate in the Division of Social Sciences, London South Bank University
Zainab Younes is a PhD candidate at the Division of Social Sciences at LSBU, specialising in International Relations, with a regional focus on the Middle East. Her research explores foreign intervention and soft power in Lebanon. Before begining her PhD, she was a Beriut,-based researcher and commentator on political affairs relevant to the region. She has a Politics and History degree from SOAS, and her wider research interests include the politics and history of the Levant, great power politics, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.



Zanele Nyoni- Wood

Lecturer, Law School, Lancaster University
Zanele is a Solicitor and Lecturer of Clinical Legal Education. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. As a Solicitor, Zanele specialises in family law. Prior to joining academia, Zanele worked for a firm of solicitors based in West Yorkshire where she primarily undertook family law work.

Zanele is also a PhD candidate at the University of Liverpool. The title of her thesis is 'Same-sex Marriage in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Barriers to the Realisation of Marriage Equality'.



Zanna Chase

Professor, University of Tasmania
Zanna Chase's research focuses on the interaction between chemical cycles and biological activity in the oceans, and how these are affected by climate. Understanding of these interactions, both in the modern ocean and the paleo-ocean, is necessary to predict the oceans' response and contribution to future climate change. She is particularly interested in the role of iron as a key micro-nutrient to support biological productivity. Prof Chase uses a variety of geochemical proxies in sediment cores, including long-lived, naturally occurring radioisotopes to reconstruct productivity and dust flux, and redox-sensitive metals to reconstruct ocean oxygenation.



Zara Molphy

Head of Research Programmes, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
Zara Molphy is Research Program Manager in RCSI Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology based at Dublin’s largest maternity hospital, The Rotunda. In this role, she manages a number of regulated clinical trials in obstetrics, gynaecology and neonatology. In addition to this, she oversees and delivers a wide range of education, public patient engagement and outreach initiatives funded by Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board and The Rotunda Foundation.



Zara Saunders

PhD Candidate, Australian Catholic University
Zara Saunders is a PhD Candidate working in the Gender and Women’s History Research Centre in the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Australian Catholic University. She has a keen interest in cultural, media and women's history.



Zarin Machanda

Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Biology, Tufts University
Zarin Machanda's research revolves around understanding the factors that shape the quality and development of social relationships among wild chimpanzees. Her work so far has focused mostly on the evolution of male-female relationships, male-male cooperation (especially cooperative hunting), and how chimpanzees use communication to mediate social relationships. Most recently, she has started a long-term project to study infant and juvenile chimpanzees and how they develop sex-typed adult behaviors. Zarin is the Director of Long-term Research at the Kibale Chimpanzee Project, an organization that for the last 30 years has conserved and protected the Kanyawara community of chimpanzees living in Kibale National Park, Uganda. She is also on the Board of the Kasiisi Project, a community development organization in Uganda that works with over 9000 school children living around Kibale National Park. Zarin holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Biology.



Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana

Assistant Professor of Sociology, University at Albany, State University of New York
Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University at Albany, State University of New York. Her research broadly focuses on race, wealth, culture, and urban studies. She leverages her skills in mapping, statistics, policy analysis, qualitative data analysis, and social theory to study how culture contributes to the racial wealth gap, racial exclusion in higher education, and the relationship between racial composition and gentrification.



Zdenka Kuncic

Professor of Physics, University of Sydney
Professor Kuncic was awarded a BSc with first class honours in physics from the University of Sydney and a PhD in theoretical astrophysics from the University of Cambridge, UK. She now leads a distinctively interdisciplinary research program at the interface between physics, medicine, biology, neuroscience and engineering. Her research focuses on developing and applying physics and physics-based approaches to challenging problems that can only be addressed with highly multi-disciplinary perspectives and strategies.



Zdenka Myslikova

Postdoctoral Scholar in Clean Energy Innovation, Tufts University
Zdenka Myslikova is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Fletcher School interested in clean energy technology innovation and climate policy. In her doctoral research, she assesses energy technology innovation ecosystems in selected countries in Latin America.

She is excited about what we can achieve in clean energy innovation and decarbonization of our energy systems when we join forces across nations. Her areas of focus include global clean energy technology innovation, energy innovation metrics, joint efforts of Mission Innovation countries, and greening the Belt and Road Initiative.

Zdenka holds a master’s degree in economics from the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) in Mexico, and before starting her doctorate, she served at Mexico’s Energy Regulatory Commission.



Zeineb Bouhlel

Research Associate, Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), United Nations University
Zeineb has a diverse background in research and in communication, mostly related to environmental sciences and in science-policy contexts. She graduated from the University of Carthage as an agriculture engineer, with a concentration in water resources and the environment. She holds a MSc and a Ph.D. in oceanography from the University of Quebec at Rimouski with a concentration in aquatic chemistry, where she worked with different research teams in Canada, Spain, France, Brazil, Turkey, and the United States. Zeineb was also a research assistant at the University of Quebec in Montreal and her research was mainly focused on aquatic bacteria and water biochemistry.

Apart from academia, Zeineb has worked with a North American think-tank on Water, the Great Lakes Commission. Her role as a Government of Quebec Intern (Ministry of International Affairs), was to participate in communication and in sustainable development projects as well as in building intergovernmental relationships between the member states and provinces.



Zelna Booth

Pharmacist and Academic Lecturer (Pharmacy Practice Division, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of the Witwatersrand), University of the Witwatersrand
I qualified with a Bachelor of Pharmacy (with distinction) in 2011, undertaking immediate postgraduate studies and graduating with a Master of Pharmacy (with distinction) degree in 2014 at the University of the Witwatersrand. After practicing as a qualified pharmacist, I returned to academia as a full-time lecturer on the undergraduate Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, in the Division of Pharmacy Practice. I am currently undertaking a PhD in the field of natural products, with focus on traditional medicinal plants used in the treatment of infectious diseases in South Africa and the implications of combination use of these traditional remedies with conventional antimicrobials.



Zena Assaad

Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Australian National University
Dr Zena Assaad is a senior lecturer in the School of Engineering at the Australian National University and is also a Trusted Autonomous Systems fellow and an Australian Army Research Centre fellow. Her research explores the safety of human-machine teaming and the assurance and certification of autonomous systems and AI. Dr Assaad is the founder and chair of the Australian national community of practice for UAS and AAM research. She received the 2023 Asia Pacific Women in AI Award for Defence and Intelligence, the 2023 Women to Watch in Emerging Aviation Technologies Global Award from Women and Drones and was named one of the '"100 Brilliant women in AI Ethics" for 2023 as a result of her work around safety and assurance of AI. She was also Top 5 Science Resident with the ABC in 2023 and is the co-host of the Algorithmic Futures podcast.



Zerina Kapetanovic

Acting Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
I an an Acting Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University and a Postdoctoral Researcher at Microsoft Research. I received my PhD at the University of Washington in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department in 2022. I was advised by Professor Joshua Smith and a member of the Sensor Systems Lab. My research is focused around wireless technology such as battery-free sensing, low-cost low-power communication and IoT systems. I am very passionate about using technology to help solve the many environmental issues we face as a world today. My first step towards this was in 2015 when I joined Microsoft’s FarmBeats team to work on developing an end-to-end IoT system to enable data-driven agriculture solutions, which is used by farmers worldwide and an ongoing effort.



Zhebin Yu

Postdoctoral researcher in Environmental Medical Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet
My research focused on the importance of the urban environment, particularly air pollution on respiratory health in children and young people.I'm also interested in investigating the joint effect of the urban environment using exposome-wide approaches.



Zhen Han

Assistant Professor of Global Studies, Sacred Heart University
Zhen Han is an Assistant Professor in the Political Science and Global Affairs Department of the Sacred Heart University. He was previously a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at The Fletcher School at Tufts University, where research for this paper was conducted. He has also served as a Lecturer in the Political Science Department at the University of British Columbia and Research Fellow in the Canadian Centre of International Peace and Security Studies. His research focuses on rising powers, China and economic interdependence, and he has published on these topics in journals including Asian Security, Chinese Journal of International Politics and World Economy and Politics.



Zhengxing Li

Ph.D. Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego
Zhengxing Li, a Ph.D. candidate in Materials Science and Engineering advised by Dr. Joseph Wang, has demonstrated remarkable leadership in developing a biohybrid microrobots platform for in vivo biomedical applications. His work currently focuses on regulating colonic cytokine levels and epithelial barriers in inflammatory bowel disease, and actively delivering drug-loaded nanoparticles to inhibit lung metastasis progression. These contributions have significantly advanced the field’s understanding. Li’s collaborative efforts have been crucial to his success, resulting in 13 published articles and six manuscripts under review in prestigious journals like Nature Materials. Additionally, Li, as a member of the Elsevier review board, has completed five independent reviews, and actively participates in key international conferences like MRS, ACS, and Pittcon to share his insights and gather new knowledge. A dedicated mentor, Zhengxing is committed to guiding junior students towards their own research success, demonstrating his leadership and dedication to scientific advancement.



Zhenpeng (Frank) Zou

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of the Environment, The University of Queensland
I am a postdoctoral research fellow in the School of the Environment at the University of Queensland. My research interest and expertise lie in an intersection of quantitative analysis, spatial analysis, data science, and social sciences. Trained as an urban planner and social scientist, I examine a range of research topics in housing and transport that are deeply linked with economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social justice. My current work focuses on the broader economic, environmental, and social impacts of the sharing economy and other emerging urban technologies.



Zhi Li

Postdoctoral research associate, UNSW Sydney
I am a physical oceanographer based at the Centre for Marine Science & Innovation (CMSI), UNSW Sydney. I completed my PhD from UNSW Sydney in 2022 (August 2018 - August 2022). Following this, I started working as a postdoctoral researcher at CCRC and CMSI, UNSW Sydney, as part of the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS) program.



Zhihao Zhang

Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Virginia
Zhihao Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration in the Marketing area at the Darden School of Business, where he teaches the marketing core course for the full-time MBA program. Drawing from academic training and research experience from both consumer behavior and cognitive neuroscience, he pursues a diverse and interdisciplinary research agenda revolving around consumer decision-making. In particular, he focuses on understanding the cognitive, computational, and neuroscientific mechanisms by which memory and knowledge (e.g., of brands, products, services, or social interactions) shape decisions. He also has a keen interest in using neuroscience to inform real world problems at the intersection of marketing and law, for example trademark and copyright infringement.

His work has appeared in leading academic journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Communications, and Current Biology. Some of his past research has been covered by major media outlets such as BBC News, Los Angeles Times, The Hill, The Times of India, and China National Radio, as well as by practitioner-oriented outlets such as Ipsos Views and World Trademark Review. His research has been supported by the National Institute on Aging.

Before joining Darden, Zhihao was a postdoctoral scholar at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. He received his undergraduate degree from Tsinghua University (with honors) and his Ph.D. from Yale University’s Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program. He is also an assistant professor by courtesy at the Department of Psychology at UVA.



Zhiyong Yang

Professor of Marketing, Miami University
Dr. Zhiyong Yang is a Professor of Marketing at the Farmer School of Business, Miami University. Before entering academia, Zhiyong spent over 10 years in industry, holding a number of industry positions, including project manager, marketing manager, and vice-president with major corporations.

Zhiyong’s research interests are mainly in family decision making and cultural psychology, with a focus on two areas: (1) how parenting strategies exert long-lasting effects on children’s consumption patterns, and (2) how situationally activated cultural identity (e.g., self-construal, sense of power, local-global identity) affects consumer decision making. Zhiyong’s work has been published in leading scholarly journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, MIS Quarterly, and Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Having published over 50 articles in leading scholarly journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Zhiyong serves on the guest editorship and the editorial review boards of several reputed journals, including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Zhiyong's research has been funded by Statistics Canada, Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture of Canada, and the Association for Consumer Research. He also received competitive research awards from Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, the University of Texas-Arlington, and Cardiff University.

Zhiyong serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Business Research, a guest editor for Industrial Marketing Management, and is on the Editorial Review Boards of several other journals, including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Zhiyong’s research has been funded by Statistics Canada, Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture of Canada, and the Association for Consumer Research. He also received competitive research awards from Harvard Center for Risk Analysis and Cardiff University in UK.



Zhongwei Liu

PhD researcher, Coventry University
Zhongwei's PhD project aims at building a seamless, globally-applicable framework for assessing past, present and future fire weather extremes. Focus will be given to a series of important, often overlooked, conceptual and technical challenges in event attribution, including validation and bias-correction of climate models. Further case studies will demonstrate the value of linking attribution of recent wildfire events with future risk assessment.



Zihong Deng

Research Fellow, Monash University
Zihong Deng is a research fellow with Monash CYPEP and has completed her PhD on children's agency and wellbeing at the UNSW Social Policy Research Centre.



Zineb Moubtahij

PhD candidate , Leiden University
I am a PhD student in archaeology and I am interested in understanding the dietary evolution of human population from Later Stone Age to the Neolithic in Northwest Africa. My research focuses on the application of both traditional and novel isotopic techniques to investigate past diets, with a particular emphasis on the use of zinc stable isotopes in teeth enamel. This approach aims to answer key questions about dietary transitions during pivotal periods of human evolution, such as the shift from hunting and gathering to food production in Morocco.



Ziv E. Cohen

Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Cornell University
I am clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at both Cornell and Columbia Universities. I graduated from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine with my MD degree, and then completed psychiatry residency at Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University. I then completed two fellowships in forensic psychiatry at Columbia University. I currently teach at both institutions, treat patients, and conduct research. I also serve as a forensic psychiatrist and teach this discipline to medical students and psychiatry residents and fellows.



Ziyad Al-Aly

Director Clinical Epidemiology Center, VA St. Louis Health Care System, Washington University in St Louis
Dr. Al-Aly a physician-scientist; he directs the Clinical Epidemiology Center and serves as the Chief of Research and Development Service at the VA Saint Louis Health Care System. He is a senior clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in Saint Louis. He has several research interests including pharmacoepidemiology, environmental epidemiology, global health, and most recently short- and long-term effects of COVID-19 on health outcomes.

He led work which provided systematic characterization of the post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (also called Long Covid) and subsequently characterization of the increased risks of cardiovascular disease, neurologic disorders, diabetes, dyslipidemia, kidney disease, and gastrointestinal disorders following SARS-CoV-2 infection. His laboratory was the first to produce evidence characterizing the effects of vaccines on Long Covid, the health consequences of repeated infections with SARS-CoV-2, and the effect of antivirals on the short- and long-term outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Dr. Al-Aly co-chaired the U.S. Biden-Harris Administration committee that developed the National Research Action Plan for Long Covid. He serves on the US Government Interagency Long Covid Coordination Council. He advised the Chief Science Advisor of Canada (Mona Nemer – Government of Justin Trudeau) on Long Covid strategy. He currently serves on a consensus committee at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine looking at the long-term health effects stemming from COVID-19 and their implications for the U.S. Social Security Administration. He is also a member of the White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force for data and innovation.

Dr. Al-Aly's work is published in prestigious medical journals including Nature, Nature Medicine, the New England Journal of Medicine, the British Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Lancet and several others. According to Google Scholar, his work has been cited more than 100,000 times. His work is frequently featured in major national and international media outlets including New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, LA Times, NPR, BBC, CNN, the Guardian, Bloomberg, The New Yorker, the Atlantic, Rolling Stones, Scientific American, Science Magazine, Nature Magazine, and several others. Several of his studies on Long COVID have generated exceptionally high public and media engagement, ranking in the top 10 of more than 23 million research papers ever tracked by Altmetric, a firm that monitors public engagement in academic research.

Dr. Al-Aly serves on multiple national and international committees and boards, and on multiple editorial boards and serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology – the flagship journal of the American Society of Nephrology.




Zizheng Yu

Lecturer in Advertising and Marketing Communications, University of Greenwich
Dr Zizheng Yu is a lecturer in Advertising and Marketing Communications. Zizheng joined the University of Greenwich in September 2022. Before the appointment at Greenwich, he worked as an associate lecturer in JOMEC, Cardiff University and a MA dissertation supervisor at King's College London. He taught a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate subjects in the fields of advertising, media and communication and digital humanities.

Before entering academia, Zizheng worked for the Country Garden Real Estate in China as a Senior Brand Manager; as a Journalist in Chinese Southern Daily in Foshan, and UK Chinese Journal in London; as a Research Associate in China Current Network. Zizheng is the vice-president of UK-China Media and Cultural Studies Association (UCMeCSA), and also a member of IAMCR, ICA, ECREA and MeCCSA. His previous works can be found mainly in Chinese Journal of Communication, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Media International Australia, and JOMEC Journal.

One of his latest research projects “The emergence of algorithmic solidarity: unveiling mutual aid practices and resistance among Chinese delivery workers” has sparked heated debate both inside and outside the academic circle, and it was reported by WIRED recently: “China’s Gig Workers Are Challenging Their Algorithmic Bosses”.



Zlatina Kostova

Instructor in psychiatry, clinical psychologist and director of training at Lifeline for Kids, UMass Chan Medical School
Zlatina Kostova, PhD, is an instructor in psychiatry, a clinical psychologist and director of training at Lifeline for Kids, a trauma training center at UMass Chan for children and families. With a strikingly multidisciplinary and multicultural education, she had specialized in childhood trauma and evidence-based treatments for children and adolescents. Dr. Kostova is an international trainer in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), an Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) qualified teacher and she is also a certified trainer for teaching trauma-informed curricula developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN).



Zoe Aitken

Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne
Zoe Aitken is a research fellow at the Gender and Women's Health Unit at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. She has been working at the University of Melbourne since 2011 to pursue her interest in social epidemiology and was awarded an NHMRC postdoctoral scholarship in April 2015. She has a particular interest in the analysis of longitudinal studies to answer causal questions about the complex interplay between socio-economic disadvantage and health.



Zoe Brookes

Associate Professor of Dental Education and Research, University of Plymouth
Zoe is currently employed at the University of Plymouth as an Associate Professor in Dental Education and Research with a variety of educational roles, including overseeing the Year 1-5 curriculum of the BDS Programme (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) course, Acquired Dental Knowledge assessment lead, Enquiry Based Learning lead and Intercalating MSc Dental lead.

Her research interests involve undertaking clinical research in a primary care dental setting, investigating the mechanisms linking oral health and systemic disease, having established and now leading the the Plymouth Oral Microbiome Research Group (OMRG). She also leads blood pressure case finding clinics with Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise. The Plymouth OMRG investiugates links between the oral microbiome and blood pressure control (hypertension and pre-eclampsia), as well as the effects of anti-microbial mouth washes on the oral microbiome, where Zoe is working with the FDI task team on recommendations for their use. She is involved in a national initiatives to develop health screening services at the dentist. She has also previously published extensively in the field of sepsis, identifying microvascular endothelial cell mechanisms and pharmacological agents that improved blood flow and reduced inflammation during sepsis.

Zoe originally graduated with a BSc in Physiology and Pharmacology, after which she gained a PhD investigating the role of anaesthetics within the microcirculation, both from the University of Sheffield, ultimately becoming a Non-Clinical Lecturer and Principal Investigator there. Before this she also worked at the University of Alberta in the Department of Physiology as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research. Since graduating in dentistry from Plymouth University Zoe has practised in clinics in the city and still works part-time as Dental Associate within the NHS, with an interest in anxious patients and periodontal disease.



Zoe Crombie

PhD Candidate, Film Studies, Lancaster University
I am an early career researcher currently working on my PhD in Film Studies, specifically in anime and adaptation studies. In addition to my academic work primarily on Japanese animation, I am also a film critic and member of the OAFFC (the Online Association of Female Film Critics) and GALECA (The Society of LGBTQ Critics), with bylines at publications like Little White Lies, The Skinny, and Vulture.

I also engage in outreach work at the Dukes Theatre, promoting independent cinema at the venue and encouraging post-film discussions following selected screenings.



Zoë Deskin

Master's Student, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen
Zoë Deskin is a graduate student in Integrated Food Studies at the University of Copenhagen. Her research has focused on transformative, informal, and youth-led learning in food and environmental education.



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