Assistant Director, Mary J. Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic, Western University
Dr. Katelyn Bryant is a registered School and Clinical Psychologist practicing with children, youth, and families. She is a Supervising Psychologist and Assistant Director at the Mary J. Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic, a training clinic for future School Psychologists in the School and Applied Child Psychology program at Western University. Dr. Bryant's diverse experiences in schools, community mental health, day treatment, intensive inpatient and private practice settings have contributed to her clinical expertise in the assessment and treatment of children and youth with learning, developmental, and mental health needs. She works extensively with caregivers, teachers, and community healthcare professionals.
Concerned about your early reader? Why ‘wait and see’ isn’t advised for reading struggles
Aug 20, 2024 03:17 am UTC| Insights & Views Life
At Western Universitys Mary J. Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic, I work on a team training future school psychologists. In our work, we encounter parents concerned about their childrens learning on an almost daily...
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