Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law, Drake University
Erin Lain is a professor of law at Drake University and a triple alumna of the college. Her research focuses on legal education, academic success, and the bar exam. In addition to working at Drake University, Lain interned for federal magistrate Judge Celeste Bremer, directed the Council on Legal Educational Opportunity's (CLEO) Summer Institute, and taught at Simpson College. Some of her notable publications include "Experiences of Academically Dismissed Black and Latino/a Law Students: Stereotype Threat, Fight or Flight Coping Mechanisms, Isolation and Feelings of Systemic Betrayal" and "Emotional Intelligence: A Valuable Tool For Traditional And Non-Traditional Leaders." Lain is a recipient of the Best Qualitative Research Poster Award (from the Iowa Educational Research and Evaluation Association Annual Conference) and the True Blue Award for Excellence in Learning, Integrity, and Citizenship.
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