Leading Education Professional, UNSW Sydney
My research interests lie within the fields of mammalian palaeontology, taxonomy, morphology, phylogeny,ontogeny and biocorrelation. My area of special expertise is vombatomorphian marsupials (including koalas and diprotodontoids). Over the course of my research I have named new families, genera and species of marsupials including: Maradidae (Black 2007), Marada, Marada arcanum (Black 2007); Diprotodontidae, Silvabestius, Silvabestius johnnilandi,S. michaelbirti (Black & Archer 1997a); Palorchestidae, Palorchestes anulus (Black 1997); Phascolarctidae, Nimiokoala, Nimiokoala greystanesi (Black & Archer 1997b); Litokoala garyjohnstoni (Louys, Black, Archer, Hand & Godthelp 2007); Pseudocheiridae, Pseudokoala cathysantamaria (Archer, Black & Nettle 1997) .
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s