Lecturer Humanitarianism and Development, SOAS, University of London
Sarah is a Research Fellow with the Humanitarian Policy Group. She is a peace and conflict scholar by training with more than 20 years' experience working on conflict prevention, post conflict peacebuilding, humanitarian disarmament, advocacy and development-related issues in Africa. Sarah’s previous research within the humanitarian sector has been in peace and development writ large especially on the adverse impact of explosive ordnances such as landmines and other explosive remnants in post conflict contexts. She therefore has vast knowledge of the branch of humanitarian sector that is mine action. While her regional research focus has been largely been the Greater Horn of Africa with extensive experience on Somaliland, Tanzania and Ethiopia, Sarah has also got research experience in Angola, Sierra Leone, and Cambodia.
Before joining ODI, Sarah was previously working at the African Leadership Centre (King’s College London) as a Research Associate on a project funded by the Global Research Challenges Fund project, that focused on developing a combined technological and socio-economic approach to freeing affected communities from anti-vehicle mines. She previously worked in various academic institutions in research management and administration roles.
Previously she has worked in the humanitarian aid sector, working on policy and advocacy issues with the Jesuit Refugees Service - Eastern Africa at the Regional office in Kenya.
Sarah has an MA in Conflict Resolution and PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Bradford’s Peace Studies and International Development Department.
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