

Zoei Sutton

Lecturer in Sociology, Flinders University



Zoey England

Chief of Staff, Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, University of Connecticut
With experience in both the private and public sectors, I currently work at The Werth Institute as the Chief of Staff, where a large portion of my role is centered around piloting experiential learning opportunities for unique student populations as well as supporting globally-based entrepreneurship activities.

Passionate about social and creative entrepreneurship as a catalyst for change, I am also a published journalist, covering topics related to climate change, public health, and social networks. I enjoy sharing my ideas with others, especially those outside of my circle through my blog "...And She Writes" as well am a TEDx speaker.

In my free time, I like to relax with my dog, who I am training to become therapy certified. I am also an award-winning cellist and nature photographer.

A proud Husky, I graduated from the University of Connecticut with an individualized B.A.
in Population Health, Disease, & Policy.



Zoha Khawaja

Master of Science Student, Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
I am a second-year Master of Science candidate in the Health Sciences program at Simon Fraser University. My thesis focuses on proactively creating a consensus-driven normative governance framework for the ethical design and implementation of voice-based artificial intelligence (AI)-powered virtual conversational agents utilized for monitoring, diagnostic, and therapeutic purposes. My anticipated research outcome is to pave the way for VCAs that are both ethically sound and optimally beneficial for users in clinical and therapeutic contexts, setting the gold standard for voice-AI's ethical application. I have acquired over 8+ years of research experience in various multicultural healthcare contexts and have conducted both clinical and non-clinical research work. Alongside this, I have developed interpersonal skills through collaborations with interdisciplinary teams ranging from public policymakers to clinicians and patient research partners in Canada. I hope to further my knowledge in bioethics, voice AI, and AI healthcare technologies.



Zoi Toumpakari

Zoi Toumpakari

Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Behaviour Change, University of Bristol
Zoi Toumpakari is a Senior Lecturer in Nutrition and Behaviour Change. Her research focuses on upstream determinants of eating behaviour, for example the physical environment, advertising and the role of policies. Specifically, she looks at how features of the eating environment, like where and with whom people eat, influence their food intake and how these could be altered to improve the population's diet. In addition, her research explores the role of dietary and physical activity patterns in the prevention of cardiometabolic health.



Zoie Magri

Ph.D. Candidate in Immunology, Tufts University
I graduated from Stonehill College in 2018 with a Bachelors in Biology. Currently, I am a 5th year PhD Candidate in immunology at Tufts University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Under my advisor Dr. Alexander Poltorak, I study silent cell death, apoptosis, in immune cells (macrophages and neutrophils). My current work examines a novel role for a surface protein in preventing post-death inflammation and ensuring cell death remains silent. The elimination of these immune cells by apoptosis is crucial for the resolution of inflammation after infection. Interestingly, the apoptosis of these cells can be altered in aggressive cancers, particularly in the tumor environment. I hope that my work will have significant implications in these contexts.



Zoltán Glück

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, American University
Zoltán Glück is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at American University in Washington, DC. His research focuses on issues of security, cities, development, postcolonialism, environmental crisis and racial capitalism in East Africa. He is currently working on a book manuscript titled, Recolonizing Security, which is an ethnographic study of the war on terror in Kenya. Zoltán was previously an Assistant Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and International Affairs at Northeastern University. He is also an Editor of Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.

He received his PhD and MPhil in Anthropology from the CUNY Graduate Center, MA in Sociology from Central European University, and BA in Philosophy from Bard College.



Zoya Tyabji

I am a PhD student at Dalhousie University working with a team to unravel the global shark meat trade. My past work experiences include working in India as a marine education officer for a local NGO, studying the terrestrial behaviour of sea kraits, studying the resilience of coral reefs and associated taxa in the face of climate change, and characterising the shark and ray fisheries of India. I am interested in understanding the complex relationships between fish and humans and how these can inform resource governance and policy.



Zulfakriza Z.

Associate Professor in Global Geophysics Research Group at FTTM, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Zulfakriza Z. adalah Dosen pada Kelompok Keahlian Geofisika Global, Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan (FTTM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), dan aktif mengajar serta membimbing mahasiswa S1, S2 dan S3 pada Program Studi Teknik Geofisika FTTM ITB.
Matakuliah yang diampu:
Berfikir Komputasi (S1), Komputasi Geofisika (S1), Seismologi (S1), Geodinamika (S1), Komunikasi Geofisika (S1), Geotomografi (S1), Geodinamika dan Seismotektonik (S2), Geohazard dan Fisika Gunung Api (S2), dan Geotomografi Lanjut (S2).
Fokus penelitian:
Ambient Noise Tomography untuk delineasi profil bawah permukaan di zona cekungan, gunung api, lapangan migas dan geotermal.
Seismologi gempa untuk investigasi sumber dan bahaya gempa.
Link Scopus and Google Scholar:
Google Scholar:



Zunaida Moosa Wadiwala

Assistant lecturer - University of the Witwatersrand, University of the Witwatersrand
Zunaida Moosa Wadiwala has an LLM (Wits), CML (UNISA & Pret), BLC, and an LLB (Pret).

She is an admitted attorney, conveyancer and notary of the High Court of South Africa. With an extensive legal background, she previously practised as a property lawyer and now serves as a teaching assistant and lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, School of Law.

She is also an examiner for the Legal Practice Council (Law Society of South Africa) for attorney, conveyancer and notary admission examinations. Zunaida contributes to global legal and sustainability efforts as a rapporteur for the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University, covering South Africa, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

Zunaida is a sessional lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, an associate fellow at the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), a course leader at the University of Cambridge’s Democratising Education for Global Sustainable Justice programme, and a member of the editorial team for the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE). She is also the editor for the UNESCO Voices of Future Generations Children’s Initiative.

Her latest publications are:

Defending the Defenders: State Responsibilities to Respect Climate Justice, Rule of Law and Rights of Counsel in Climate Litigation Worldwide (

and a contribution to Courage, Contributions and Compliance: The Routledge Handbook of Climate Law and Governance (



Zvi Singer

Associate Professor of Accounting, HEC Montréal
My name is Zvi Singer. I am an associate professor of accounting at HEC Montreal. Before joining HEC Montreal I worked at McGill University. I hold a PhD Degree from University of California at Berkeley. My research interst include financial reporting, audit, gender, and regulations. I published my research in journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting, Organizations, and Society, and others.



운철 배

주요 이력

현)한양대학교 겸임교수
현)블록체인 전략연구소 소장
현)대한민국 모바일 어워드 심사위원
현)경기도 학술용역심의위원
현)광명시 지역정보화 위원
현)B캐피탈리스트 주임교수



󠁡​​Rachel​ Morgain

Senior Research Fellow in Social and Political Science, The University of Melbourne
Rachel is a social researcher and anthropologist, with a focus on environment, science studies, Pacific studies, gender, religion and race. She has undertaken research into pathways for achieving nature-based climate mitigation and adaptation, landscape and community-based resilience, the social dimensions of environmental challenges, people's connections with nature and each other, diverse knowledges and ethical systems, and the social role and position of science. She has worked in research, industry, government and NGO sectors, and at the interface of science and policy.



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