Research Fellow, Institute for Global Health, UCL
Researcher looking at the intersection between climate change and population health. I am a nurse by background, hold a Master of Public Health and PhD in Global Health.
The purpose of my research is to get more insights into historic relationships between climate and health and potential changes in future scenarios. Also, I explore how the planetary health approach could be a good opportunity to re-think the health of the planet; therefore, the health of humans.
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Studies,, University of Ghana
I am a social ecologist specialising in climate change and sustainability science at the Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Studies, University of Ghana. My academic background includes a PhD in sustainability science with a focus on ecosystem services assessment in rural, semi-arid landscapes. In my research and teaching, I combine conceptual and practical approaches to explore the consequences of human-nature interactions.
My current areas of research and academic interest encompass various facets of climate change, including adaptation and mitigation strategies, nature-based solutions involving biodiversity and ecosystem services, disaster risk reduction and resilience, as well as food and farming systems. Over the past decade, I have actively engaged in conducting and contributing to climate change and biodiversity assessments at multiple levels, spanning national, regional, and district scales. Notably, I have served as a lead author for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and as a lead reviewer for Ghana's Fourth National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
I am deeply passionate about employing participatory methodologies in my research endeavours to generate solution-oriented outcomes. I aim to challenge stakeholders to design and implement practical, transformative resilience strategies that can address pressing environmental and sustainability issues.
My profound love and passion for plants, flowers, photography, and nature-clicktivism have been integral aspects of my life. Nature-clicktivism, as I like to call it, is my way of raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting conservation efforts through social media. It's a powerful tool that allows me to not only showcase the splendour of plants and flowers but also inspire others to connect with and protect the precious ecosystems that sustain life on our planet.
Doctorante en science politique, Université de Montréal
Je suis actuellement en première année du doctorat dans le département de science politique à l'Université de Montréal. Mon centre d'intérêt est l'Asie du Sud-Est et l'Europe. Plus précisément, je fais mes recherches sur l'ASEAN et l'UE, sur leur coopération et sur leur comparaison. Mon mémoire pour la maîtrise porte sur la coopération entre ces deux institutions dans la gestion de catastrophes, et pour mon projet de doctorat, je vais étudier leurs interactions dans le domaine numérique.
I am currently in my first year of a PhD in the political science department at the Université de Montréal. My focus is on Southeast Asia and Europe. More specifically, I'm researching ASEAN and the EU, their cooperation and comparisons. My Master's thesis focuses on cooperation between these two institutions in disaster management, and for my doctoral project, I'm going to study their interactions in the digital domain.
Postdoctoral Research Associate at School of Population Health, UNSW Sydney
After completing my honours degree in Psychology, I went on to undertake a PhD using mixed-methods approaches to conceptualize "ageing well" for adults with autism spectrum disorder. I am currently a postdoctoral research associate in the Justice Health Research Program at the School of Population Health, UNSW Sydney.
Research Data Specialist in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco
I am an epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). My research currently focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on mortality.
Lecturer, Graduate School of Business and Law, RMIT University
Yee-Fui researches in the areas of political integrity and the law, as well as the interaction between public law and politics. She is particularly interested in the influences on the contemporary Executive, such as ministerial advisers, the media and lobby groups, which has led to reactive government decision-making and policy-making.
She has conducted commissioned research in multidisciplinary teams on local government democracy, the regulation of political lobbying, as well as parliamentary integrity systems.
Yee-Fui was awarded the Monash Silver Jubilee Postgraduate Research Scholarship, as the highest ranking PhD applicant in the University, as well as the Monash Postgraduate Law Dean's Award, as the top-ranking PhD applicant in the Monash Law Faculty. Her forthcoming book 'Ministerial Advisers in Australia: The Modern Legal Context' will be published by Federation Press as a finalist for the Holt Prize.
Dr Ng is a Victorian Convenor of the Electoral Regulation Research Network. She has previously worked as a Policy Adviser at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, a Senior Legal Adviser at the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, as well as a Manager at the Victorian Department of Justice. Yee-Fui has also practised as a solicitor at top tier law firms in Melbourne, London and Canberra. She has researched and taught at the Australian National University and Monash University.
Associate Professor & Associate Director, Pain Research & Intervention Center Of Excellence, University of Florida
Maestro en Ciencias Bioquímicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Realicé mis estudios de Licenciatura y Maestría en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Los proyectos en los que he colaborado están relacionados con la bioquímica y biología molecular de bacterias; estudiando mecanismos de resistencia a bacteriófagos en Streptomyces, así como la funcionalidad de genes que codifican proteínas asociadas al nucleoide en actinobacterias. Actualmente estoy interesado en estudiar la organización del nucleoide bacteriano. Amo la biología molecular pero también sus explicaciones, por ello he escrito diversos artículos en revistas de divulgación y periódicos.
Researcher, Center of Economic and Law Studies (CELIOS)
Yeta is a researcher at Center of Law and Economic Studies (CELIOS). She completed her undergraduate degree in International Relations at Universitas Islam Indonesia.
Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, The University of Melbourne
Dr Yi Huang is a Senior Lecturer in Climate Science at the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne. She is also a Chief Investigator of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes.
Yi's research seeks to address some of the fundamental yet climatically important questions that underpin the understanding of atmospheric processes, Earth’s energy budget and water cycle: How do clouds and precipitation modulate the Earth’s climate system? What processes control the properties of clouds and precipitation? How do these processes differ geographically? I believe this can only be achieved by innovative use of targeted field observations, state-of-the-art remote-sensing data and numerical modelling. Ultimately, Yi's work aims to harness the critical knowledge that will help improve weather and climate predictions at multiple scales.
Research Fellow, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne
Yi is a social epidemiologist. Her research focuses on reducing health inequalities faced by people with disability.
PhD candidate in Environmental Policy, The University of Queensland
I am a PhD candidate at the School of the Environment, University of Queensland. My research focuses on assessing policy settings that can be design to better account for climate change. My broader interests lie in reducing or reversing anthropogenic impacts on the landscape, particularly through informing policy responses for effective conservation strategies, in the face of climate change.
Senior Lecturer in Economics, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington
Yigit Saglam is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Economics and Finance of Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. Yigit received his PhD in Economics from the University of Iowa in 2010. In his PhD thesis, he worked on optimal pricing and allocation of water, using stochastic dynamic programming methods with functional approximations. While Yigit continues his research in this area, he has also been working on optimal environmental taxation in oligopoly markets, structural estimation of housing auctions, and econometric estimation of joint decisions in discrete choice models.
Professor, IESE Business School (Universidad de Navarra)
Yih-Teen Lee is Professor in the Department of Managing People in Organizations and the academic director of the IESE Coaching Unit. He specializes in leadership, fit, and cultural bridging in his roles as educator, researcher, advisor, and executive coach. His research work appears in leading scientific journals (e.g., Academy of Management Discoveries, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, and Personnel Psychology) and books such as The Handbook of Chinese Organizational Behavior, Leadership Development in a Global World, and The Routledge Companion to International Human Resource Management. He is also co-editor of the books Les compétences culturelles and CulturalContexts of Human Resource Development. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, and Advances in Global Leadership. He is also the Director of the book series "Diversité culturelle et dynamiques des organisations" (Cultural Diversity and Organizational Dynamics), published by the Editor L'Harmattan, Paris. He has served as a member of the Teaching Committee of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management. At IESE, Yih-Teen teaches subjects such as leadership, leading global collaboration, self-leadership, leading multicultural teams, and strategic human resource management in the MBA and executive programs.
Yih-Teen earned his Ph.D. from HEC, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from National Taiwan University. Prior to IESE, he taught at HEC University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Angers Graduate School of Business ESSCA (France), and the American Graduate School of International Management Thunderbird Europe (France), among others.
Professor of Technology Management in Sustainability, University of California, Santa Cruz
I am a professor of Technology Management in Sustainability at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Baskin School of Engineering in University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC). I am also affiliated with Environmental Studies in Social Science Division. Prior to UCSC, I was on the faculty of University of California Merced with a joint appointment between the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts as well as School of Engineering during 2006-2015. During 2013-2014, I was on a sabbatical leave visiting the GRIPS (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) in Japan, with the support from a JSPS (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science) fellowship to study the implementation of demand response programs and to examine operation and investment decision in smart-grid marketplace. I joined UC Santa Cruz in 2015.
My research focuses on issues related to sustainability. In particular, I study the impact of climate change, public policies, e.g., energy and environmental regulation, on water resources, electricity, gas, biofuel and transportation sectors. My research takes interdisciplinary approaches: quantitative bottom-up models built upon economic principles and solved with operations research techniques. My publication spans across different disciples in management, economics, engineering, sciences and public policy. My work has received several INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) ENRE (Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment) awards: 2004 best student paper (first place) and best publication in sustainability in 2013 (second place) and 2014 (first place). My recent work was also nominated for best paper award in HICSS (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)-53.
Associate Professor of New Testament and Public Voices Fellow, Yale University
I am faculty at Yale Divinity School and author of Immigration and Apocalypse: How the Book of Revelation Shaped American Immigration (Yale University Press 2024), which focuses on the use of Revelation in political discourse surrounding American immigration—in conceptions of America as the New Jerusalem and of unwanted immigrants as the filthy, idolatrous horde outside the city walls. I've spoken widely on the topic on podcasts, radio, and in lectures.
I am also author of The Erotic Life of Manuscripts: New Testament Textual Criticism and the Biological Sciences came (Oxford 2016). I've also published in peer-reviewed journals like the Journal of Biblical Literature and Early Christianity.
I serve on the Council of the Society of Biblical Literature and the editorial board of the Journal of Biblical Literature.
I am a Public Voices Fellow at Yale with the Op Ed Project.
Ph.D student at School of Humanities & Language, Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW Sydney
Yimin Xu is a Ph.D. student in the School of Humanities and Languages at University of New South Wales, Australia. Her research interest is gender in Chinese science fiction, Chinese fantastical literature and modern Chinese popular culture. Her current PhD project focuses on the concept of Chinese modernity coded in gender representations in contemporary Chinese science fiction.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics, Aston University
Dr Ying Miao is a Senior Lecturer in Politics at Aston University. Her research mainly explores how inequalities and identities affect social attitudes and behavioural change. Her China focused work have appeared in The China Quarterly, The Journal of Contemporary China, and Contemporary Politics, while her interdisciplinary research on social acceptance of new technologies has been published in Technology in Society and Environmental Science and Policy.
She has been involved in several multidisciplinary UKRI and Horizon-Europe funded projects, most recently on a multidisciplinary EPSRC/NERC-funded project aiming to develop sustainable district heating systems, while addressing socioeconomic barriers and constraints in the uptake of community-based heating networks.
Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences & Technology, University of Michigan
Ying Xu's research stands at the intersection of education, psychology and human-computer interaction, focusing on the design and evaluation of technologies that promote language and literacy development, STEM learning and wellbeing for children and families.
Xu’s current projects center on the education applications of artificial intelligence, in particular, natural language processing and speech technologies. She explores how these conversational technologies play the role of social partners or learning companions for children. Xu’s research also aims to identify and actively challenge biases inherent in AI technologies used for educational purposes, with the goal of making these technologies more responsive and responsible to children, parents, and teachers from diverse backgrounds.
Research Assistant in Human Rights, University of Leeds
Ying Zhang is a research assistant on the “Understanding Human Rights: Implications for Management of Supply Chains” project. Her interest lies in the areas of sustainability, big data and innovation, from research to industry and frontline business.
Associate Professor of Finance, Bryant University
Dr. Cathy Zheng is an associate professor in the finance department of Bryant University. She is a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) charter holder. Dr. Zheng received her Ph.D. in international finance from University of South Carolina. Her teaching interests include international financial management, global corporate valuation, global finance and comparative corporate governance.
Research Associate, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, and Economic Modeller, CSIRO
Yingying Lu got her PhD in Economics in 2013 from the Australian National University. Her research has been focused on economic modelling which is applied to climate change policy and energy policy.
Yingying has expertise in Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling and she has published quite a few papers on peer-reviewed journals such as Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, World Economy and International Review of Economics and Finance, Industrial Ecology and Resource, and Conservation and Recycling. Yingying was also involved in several big projects since she joined in CSIRO in 2017: Australia National Outlook II and International Resource Panel's Global Resource Outlook 2019 and 2024 (ongoing).
Assistant Professor of Practice, University of Arizona
Yining Tan is an Assistant Professor of Practice in the School of Geography, Development & Environment at the University of Arizona. Tan’s foci of research are urban geography, human mobility, highly-skilled international migration and transnational connections. Her dissertation develops a capital-mobility framework and employs intersectionality theory to examine the impacts of skilled U.S. migrants’ capital and intentionality on both (cross-border and everyday) spatial mobility as well as occupational and social mobility in China. Beyond the dissertation, she also worked on research that addresses the challenge of how to make cities more equitable in economic development, urban built environment, and socio-cultural integration. Her work has been published in journals including Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Asian Geographer, International Migration, and International Development Policy.
Yining Tan obtained her bachelor’s degree from Sun Yat-sen University in China, a Master of Planning degree from University of Southern California, and a doctoral degree in geography from Arizona State University.
Adjunct Researcher in Cognitive Brain Science, Georgia Institute of Technology
My research uses neuroimaging method (fMRI, EEG) to study human memory and potential uses of music in improving learning and memory. I used different methods, including univariate, multivariate (RSA, MVPA), functional connectivity, dynamic causal modeling and etc. to investigate how brain networks interact. I am particularly interested in the prefrontal-striatal-hippocampus network and its neural behaviors relating to how music-in-context provides schemas and rewards to motivate cross-modal learning.
Associate Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University
Yi-Wen Wang is Associate Professor in the Design School, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Her research focuses on social and cultural issues of heritage-led regeneration in both urban and rural contexts. Her research work is mainly concerned with the protection of unassuming, quotidian structures as heritage, exploring the conservation issues surrounding 20th-century architecture and planning.
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Yizeng Li received her PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. She was a postdoctoral researcher at Johns Hopkins University's Department of Mechanical Engineering and Institute for NanoBioTechnology. Her backgrounds are in theoretical mechanics and applied mathematics with applications to biophysics and mechanobiology.
Li develops physiology-based mathematical models for cell motility, polarization, volume regulation, electro-homeostasis, signal transduction, and other biophysics problems. She also combines mathematical models with experimental data to explain non-intuitive cell biology phenomena.
Teaching Associate, The University of Melbourne
Dr Yizhou Wang works at the University of Melbourne, Australia, where he teaches general and applied linguistics subjects. As a researcher, he is interested in language acquisition, especially the acquisition of sound system (phonetics and phonology) in both young and adult learners.
Senior Lecturer in Finance, King's College London
Dr Ylva Baeckström is a former banker and fintech entrepreneur, now a psychotherapist, and academic at Kings College London. Ylva in an expert on gender and intersectionality in financial services and entrepreneurship. Her research also interests include sustainable finance and biodiversity. With her work she aims to create positive impact for the benefit of business, individuals, and society. Ylva delivered a TEDx in 2020 and her book Gender and Finance was published in March 2022. Ylva’s academic research includes publications in Journal of Corporate Finance, European Journal of Finance and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Her research is featured in the media: Bloomberg, Financial Times, Sunday Times, Evening Standard, Professional Wealth Management. Collaborating widely with financial services institutions, Ylva is a highly regarded speaker and contributor.
Investigador en Migraciones Internacionales, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Yoan Molinero Gerbeau es licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración (UCM), hizo el Máster en Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Africanos (UAM) y es Doctor en Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales (UAM). Ha sido investigador del Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía (IEGD) del CSIC además de profesor asociado en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en la Universidad Carlos III. En la actualidad es Secretario Técnico de la revista "Migraciones" y ha sido editor de la Revista “Relaciones Internacionales” entre 2016 y 2022. Es también presidente del Comité de Investigación 32 "Estudios Internacionales, Estudios de Área y Globalización" de la Federación Española de Sociología (FES) desde 2020. Actualmente es investigador del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IUEM) de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas donde también ejerce como profesor del Máster en Migraciones Internacionales así como del Programa de Doctorado en Migraciones Internacionales y Cooperación al Desarrollo. Ha participado y dirigido varios proyectos tanto nacionales como europeos y ha realizado estancias en centros de investigación en Argentina, Chile y Rumanía. En 2022 publicó el libro "El medioambiente en Relaciones Internacionales" editado por Síntesis y es autor de diversos artículos principalmente sobre migraciones, trabajo agrícola, medioambiente y Estructuralismo en Relaciones Internacionales
Professeur en management, SKEMA Business School
Yoann Guntzburger holds a Ph.D. degree in management (HEC Montreal), a M.A.Sc. as well as a bachelor degree in process engineering (Polytechnique Montreal). Yoann is specialized in risk management and corporate governance, as well as organizational crisis management. He does interdisciplinary research combining moral philosophy, organizational theory, system thinking, and complexity theory. His current topics of interest focus on science-policy interfaces related to sustainable development, digitalization and risk management, as well as inclusive business models.
Extraordinary Professor in the Division of Health Systems and Public Health, Stellenbosch University
Dr Yogan Pillay is the country director of the Clinton Health Access Initiative in South Africa and senior director for universal health coverage. He has worked in the National Department of Health in various capacities. His expertise and interests are in health policy and implementation science. He has published widely on global health as well as HIV, tuberculosis and maternal and child health. In 2021 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Cape Town and in the same year appointed extraordinary professor in the Division of Health Systems and Public Health, Department of Global Health, Stellenbosch University.
Postdoctoral research fellow, Lund University
Yohanna Villalobos is a postdoctoral research fellow at Lund University, Sweden, and a research collaborator at CSIRO Australia. She holds a PhD in Science from the University of Melbourne, awarded in 2021. Throughout her career, Yohanna has developed deep insights into leading-edge carbon budgeting techniques globally. Her expertise involves using satellite observations with atmospheric numerical models to quantify carbon flux exchanges between the land and atmosphere. Additionally, she has led efforts to develop a comprehensive greenhouse budget for Australasia as part of the Regional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes (RECCAP-2), a global assessment led by the Global Carbon Project.
Research Fellow, University of Sussex
Yohannes Ayele is a Research Fellow in the Economics of Brexit at the University of Sussex. He holds a PhD in Economics from Aarhus University and an MSc in Economics from Copenhagen University.