

Why do voters have to pick a Republican or a Democrat in the US?

Jul 11, 2023 06:48 am UTC| Politics

Why does it have to be Democrat vs. Republican in elections? Why cant it be Republican vs. Republican or Democrat vs. Democrat? Gianna, age 13, Phoenix, Arizona Americans are used to having a lot of choices. What...

Mars Inc. Under Investigation in Russia Over Ukraine Funding Allegations, Tax Compliance

Jul 10, 2023 06:20 am UTC| Economy Business Politics

Mars Inc., a global confectionery and pet food giant, is currently under investigation by Russian authorities in Moscow Oblast over allegations of funding Ukraines Armed Forces and potential tax discrepancies, according to...

Bounties on exiled Hong Kong activists show the ambitious reach of China’s political repression

Jul 05, 2023 03:34 am UTC| Politics

The Hong Kong government has extended its efforts to suppress political dissent overseas, issuing arrest warrants for eight exiled pro-democracy figures and offering bounties of HK$1 million (around A$191,000) each. The...

Senegal: behind the protests is a fight for democratic freedoms

Jul 04, 2023 07:46 am UTC| Politics

President Macky Salls unwillingness to confirm he will not run for a third term in 2024, and the targeting of political opponents, have created a political powder keg in Senegal. Protests broke out in many cities across...

Why 'wokeness' has become the latest battlefront for white conservatives in America

Jul 04, 2023 07:40 am UTC| Politics

The day he launched his bid for the Republican nomination for the 2024 US presidential election, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis warned Fox News viewers the woke mind virus is basically a form of cultural Marxism. With...

How metro mayors are getting things done -- even if they have limited money and power

Jun 29, 2023 01:23 am UTC| Politics Insights & Views

The word mayor, in the English governance landscape, refers to many different roles. Until the turn of the 21st century, it mostly described non-partisan ceremonial leaders of towns and boroughs in England and Wales, most...

Australia's hidden housing crisis: survivors of modern slavery have few safe places to turn

Jun 28, 2023 15:34 pm UTC| Insights & Views Economy Politics Real Estate

Australia is not immune to the rapidly growing global problem of modern slavery. In fact, new research has found the number of people living in modern slavery has more than doubled in the past four years, rising to an...

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For the next prime minister to solve the UK’s productivity problem, they must attract more foreign investment – here’s how

The British economy has a serious productivity problem that will have to be addressed by the next government. According to data from the OECD (the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), productivity...

Brexit boredom is one thing – but there’s a real problem when Britain’s leaders won’t even talk about Europe anymore

British politics has, in recent years, been plagued by two competing forces when it comes to Europe. On one side, there is an understanding that the UK and the EU need to rub along, because of their proximity and...

Space arms race may be underway

As conflict rages on Earth, an arms race may be underway in outer space. On May 30, a US diplomat warned that Russia had launched a weapon into orbit, something Russias deputy foreign minister, Sergey Ryabkov, branded as...

Mauritius’ next growth phase: a new plan is needed as the tax haven era fades

Mauritians will head to the polls by November 2024 and politicians are considering the economic direction of the island country. For the last two decades, the countrys economic growth has depended heavily on its...

Canadians are feeling increasingly powerless amid economic struggles and rising inequality

If you feel like youre being pushed around in life, youre not alone. Our recent research has found that Canadians are increasingly feeling a sense of powerlessness in their lives. This sentiment has been steadily...


South Africa’s unity government: 4 crucial factors for it to work

Governments of national unity built on power-sharing arrangements are common in Africa and elsewhere in the world. Now South Africa also has a unity government, following the 2024 general election in which no party won a...

Three ways politicians always promise to raise money without increasing taxes – and why they rarely deliver

After weeks of controversy over Labour and Conservative costings in which each side accused the other of dishonesty the manifestos show that both parties had wildly exaggerated their rivals plans. But there has been...

Election 2024: migrants aren’t to blame for Britain’s housing crisis

Migration has become the most toxic issue in British politics, driving intensely emotional debates that are often based on prejudice and misunderstanding. Similarly emotional is housing a finite resource in high demand at...

How Vladimir Putin projects his image as a modern-day Peter the Great

Russian energy giant Gazprom is reported to have been hit particularly hard by sanctions imposed as a result of the war with Ukraine. An internal report obtained and published by the Financial Times has forecast that the...


Japan Discovers 230 Million Ton Manganese Deposits, Boosting EV Battery Industry

Japan has discovered 230 million tonnes of manganese deposits near Minami-Torishima Island, potentially transforming its EV battery industry by significantly reducing reliance on imports and providing enough cobalt and...

Keeping astronauts healthy in space isn’t easy − new training programs will prepare students to perform medicine while thousands of miles away from Earth

In the coming decade, more people will go to space than ever before as human spaceflight enters a new era. NASA, the European Space Agency and other governmental agencies are partnering to develop crewed missions beyond...

Nations realise they need to take risks or lose the race to the Moon

The Nasa-led Artemis-3 mission will place the first human boots on the surface of the Moon since Apollo 17s Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt left the lunar surface in December 1972. The goal of the Artemis programme is...

Some of Earth’s most ancient lifeforms can live on hydrogen – and we can learn from their chemical powers

Three-quarters of all matter in the universe is made up of hydrogen. The young Earth was also rich in hydrogen, thanks to fierce geological and volcanic activity. Just as stars burn hydrogen to produce heat and light...


Affordable Non-Foundation Tesla Cybertruck Deliveries Now Expected in Late 2024

Tesla has rescheduled the delivery of its affordable non-Foundation Cybertruck models to late 2024, disappointing many potential buyers. Tesla Adjusts Cybertruck Delivery Plans The previously anticipated delivery of...

Ripple's Legal Struggle with SEC: Could XRP Soar to $10 or Crash?

Following Ripples decision to decline the Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) offer to reduce the proposed penalty to $102.6 million, the XRP price prediction indicates that the coin is currently in a vulnerable...

Bipartisan Support Ensures Positive Crypto Regulations Regardless of US Election Outcome, Mike Novogratz Claims

Mike Novogratz, the founder and CEO of Galaxy Digital, believes that the cryptocurrency industry in the United States is well-positioned to experience favorable regulatory developments, regardless of the outcome of the...

Ethereum ETFs Poised for SEC Approval by Mid-July, Industry Optimism Soars

It is possible that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) may soon approve the first Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the United States. Even though the deadline for new submissions has been...
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