Demand for insurance pushes one month GBP/USD IV to new heights
Jun 10, 2016 13:09 pm UTC| Commentary
One-month implied pound volatility, popularly known as thecost to protect against swings in Pound/Dollar exchange rate reached new heighttoday at 23.7 percent. It is now standing at highest point since the crisis of...
Briferendum Series: Schäuble warns referendum contagion
Jun 10, 2016 11:36 am UTC| Commentary
German finance minister Wolfgang Schuble has warned about the contagion effects of British referendum in Europe. He has been among the vocal opponents of Brexit and previously warned that Britain will not get a great trade...
Scouring social media on EU referendum – will it be more accurate than polls?
Jun 10, 2016 09:15 am UTC| Insights & Views Technology
Voters cant be trusted to reveal their true voting intentions to pollsters. You only have to look at what happened in the 2015 UK general election to realise how badly wrong the polls get it from time to time. Even...
Briferendum Series: Influential conservative MP leaves exit camp
Jun 09, 2016 07:31 am UTC| Commentary
Dr Sarah Wollaston, an influential conservative MP revealed that she no longer wants Britain to leave theEuropean Union and she will be casting her vote in favor of staying in the union. In an interview with BBC, when she...
Why Brexit supporters should take a EU-turn – just like I did
Jun 08, 2016 11:41 am UTC| Insights & Views
In 1997, a small number of academic economists in my country, the Netherlands, came out against the euro and were vilified by the authorities. I was one of them. When my native country organised a (non-binding)...
Briferendum Series: Economic policy uncertainty at highest
Jun 08, 2016 11:05 am UTC| Commentary
According to data from (EPU), economic policy uncertainty in the United Kingdom is hovering at its highest point, surpassing previous records during Scottish referendum, Eurozone crisis, Gulf war and...
Briferendum Series: Europeans believe Brexit will hurt EU
Jun 08, 2016 07:47 am UTC| Commentary
According to thelatest survey by Pew Research Center, which questioned the Europeans, if the UK were to leave the European Union, this would be a good thing or bad thing, most European feel it would be bad. About 70% of...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s