In or out of the EU, Britain faces more Scottish upheaval
Apr 29, 2016 15:08 pm UTC| Insights & Views
As the EU referendum campaign gathers momentum, polls show the UK almost evenly divided on the merits of staying in and pulling out. In Scotland, however, the Remain option is clearly in the lead at this stage. This asks...
Brexit may start significant safe-haven inflow to Denmark
Apr 29, 2016 12:14 pm UTC| Commentary
The spread between Denmarks central bank and the European Central Banks deposit rates narrowed 30bp from early December 2015 till mid-March 2016. The DKK has appreciated against the EUR with the lower rate differential....
Briferendum Series: OECD joins band of Brexit warner
Apr 28, 2016 07:49 am UTC| Commentary
After U.S. president Barrack Obamas endorsement for the stay campaigners, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), is the latest to join the list of Brexit warners. Ángel Gurría, OECDs...
Are 60% of UK laws really imposed by the EU?
Apr 27, 2016 21:38 pm UTC| Insights & Views Law
Today it is a tragedy that the European Union that body long ago established with the high and noble motive of making another war impossible is itself beginning to stifle democracy, in this country and around Europe. If...
How much does the UK actually pay to the EU?
Apr 27, 2016 21:22 pm UTC| Insights & Views Economy
For every 2 we send to Brussels, we get 1 back and it comes back with a tag on it on what we have to spend it on. Gisela Stuart, Labour MP and joint head of Vote Leave, speaking on BBC Radio 4s Today programme, April...
Apr 27, 2016 08:14 am UTC| Insights & Views
Theresa May has surprised nobody by calling for the UK to leave the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The Home Secretary isnt fond of the convention or the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights. Her...
Briferendum Series: Obama improves the polls in favor of stay
Apr 26, 2016 10:14 am UTC| Commentary
Latest series of Polls reveal Barrack Obama was successful in persuading British voters to stay within EU. After this weekends speech by U.S. President Barrack Obama, urging voters to stay in European Union as it amplifies...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s