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Donald Trump Dead? Here's A List of Reported Life-Threatening Incidents Ex-POTUS Has Survived

A closer look at the various life-threatening incidents that have reportedly endangered Donald Trump's life. Credit: Michael Vadon, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump, a larger-than-life figure in American politics, has endured numerous moments where his life was reportedly in jeopardy. From assassination attempts during his presidency to health scares, Trump’s life has seen more than its share of danger.

Whether as a businessman, a reality TV star, or the 45th President of the United States, Trump has often found himself at the center of tumultuous events. This article recounts some of the incidents where Trump reportedly came close to losing his life, raising questions about the security challenges he faced during his tenure in public life.

ECONOTIMES cannot independently verify all the claims of life-threatening incidents involving Donald Trump, as some accounts are based on unconfirmed reports or rumors. However, these stories have been widely discussed in media outlets and political circles.

1. 2020 Assassination Attempt at Rally

One of the most well-publicized incidents occurred in 2020 during Trump's re-election campaign. As Trump rallied his supporters, reports surfaced of an individual attempting to enter the rally with a weapon. Security swiftly intervened, and the threat was neutralized before the individual could carry out any harm. This incident underscored the significant security risks that the former president faced as a polarizing political figure, particularly as tensions ran high during his presidency.

2. White House Security Breach

Another close call occurred while Trump was in the White House. Reports emerged of an individual breaching security at the presidential residence, raising serious concerns about how someone could get so close to the president. While the intruder was apprehended before any harm was done, the incident brought to light vulnerabilities in White House security that could have put Trump’s life at risk. Secret Service protocols were reviewed and tightened following this breach.

3. Health Scare in 2019

Trump has also reportedly faced significant health concerns. In 2019, rumors began swirling about an unscheduled visit to Walter Reed Medical Center, which led to speculation about the state of Trump’s health. Though White House officials downplayed the visit, rumors persisted that the president may have suffered a more severe health issue than initially disclosed. Trump's health has been a frequent topic of speculation, with some pointing to this visit as a moment when his life may have been in danger due to an undisclosed medical condition.

4. Attempted Ricin Poisoning

In 2020, reports surfaced that Trump had been the target of a ricin-laced letter sent to the White House. Ricin, a deadly poison, can be fatal if ingested or inhaled, making this attempt particularly alarming. Fortunately, the letter was intercepted before it reached Trump, and law enforcement quickly identified and apprehended the suspect. This incident highlighted the constant threats facing high-profile public figures, especially a president as controversial as Trump.

5. Attempt on Life at Campaign Rally in Nevada

During a campaign rally in Nevada, an individual was arrested after attempting to grab a police officer’s gun with the apparent intention of using it against Trump. The would-be attacker was stopped before any harm could come to the then-presidential candidate, but the incident rattled the campaign and prompted heightened security measures at subsequent events. It was a sobering reminder of the very real dangers faced by candidates on the campaign trail.

6. COVID-19 Diagnosis in 2020

Arguably one of the most serious threats to Trump’s life came in October 2020, when the then-president was diagnosed with COVID-19. At the age of 74 and with several risk factors, Trump’s condition was closely monitored as he was hospitalized at Walter Reed. While he recovered quickly and downplayed the severity of his illness, medical experts pointed out that the virus had posed a significant threat to his health, particularly given his age and reported weight. The incident led to intense speculation about the president’s fitness for office during a crucial election year.

7. Target of Protesters and Violent Threats

Throughout Trump’s presidency, he faced multiple threats from protesters and individuals who opposed his policies. From the protests that erupted in response to his controversial travel ban to the violent demonstrations following the 2020 election, Trump was frequently the focus of anger and hostility. Security around him remained tight, but these moments showcased how deeply his leadership divided the country, often putting him in dangerous situations.

8. The FBI and Threat Monitoring

Following Trump's departure from office, there have been reports that the FBI had monitored multiple individuals suspected of planning violent attacks against the former president. While details remain scant, it's clear that threats to Trump’s safety did not end with his presidency. Whether these threats materialize into actual attempts or are thwarted early by law enforcement, Trump continues to be a polarizing figure who faces significant risks.


Donald Trump's life has been marked by numerous close calls, ranging from assassination attempts to health scares. As he continues to dominate the political landscape, the threats against him remain real and concerning. These incidents reflect the intense division that has characterized Trump’s rise to power and the lengths some have gone to try and harm him. Whether as a businessman, politician, or potential future candidate, Trump’s security remains a pressing issue as he navigates the high-stakes world of American politics.

For Trump supporters, these incidents only underscore the belief that their leader is a figure under constant attack, not just from political opponents but from those who would resort to violence. For his detractors, the constant security threats are viewed as a byproduct of Trump’s divisive rhetoric and policies. Either way, the former president’s brushes with death highlight the dangers that come with being a polarizing figure in the public eye.

As Trump eyes a possible return to the political arena in 2024, the question remains whether his security measures will continue to be enough to protect him from those who seek to do him harm. With the constant media attention and ever-present threats, Donald Trump’s life in the spotlight remains as perilous as ever.

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