Academic interests
Communal conflicts, civil war, civilian agency, civilian protection, peacebuilding, gender, Sub-Sahara Africa, South/Southeast Asia
PECOS 4025 - Analytical Perspectives on Peace and Conflict
ERC Project 'Resilience Building: Social Resilience, Gendered Dynamics, and Local Peace in Protracted Conflicts' (2020-2025)
2020 Nils Petter Gleditsch Article of the Year Award of the Journal of Peace Research
2019 Lee Ann Fujii Book Award for Innovation in the Interpretive Study of Political Violence, American Political Science Association
2021 - Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo
2020 - Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo
2016 - Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam
2013 - Visiting Research Fellow, Department of War Studies, King's College London
2013 - Post-Doctoral Researcher, German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg
2011 - Visiting Research Fellow, MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University
2013 - PhD, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
Selected publications
Krause, Jana. 2018. Resilient Communities: Non-Violence and Civilian Agency in Communal War. Cambridge University Press.
2019 Book Prize Winner: Lee Ann Fujii Award for Innovation in the Interpretive Study of Political Violence, Interpretive Methodologies and Methods (IMM) Conference Group of the American Political Science Association, sponsored by Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
2019 Book Prize Runner-Up: Conflict Research Society Book of the Year Award
Krause, Jana, Juan Masullo, Emily Paddon Rhoads and Jennifer Welsh (eds). Civilian Protective Agency in Violent Settings. Under contract with Oxford University Press.
Krause, Jana and Erin Kamler. 2022. Ceasefires and Civilian Protection Monitoring in Myanmar. Global Studies Quarterly 2:1, 1-12.
Krause, Jana. 2021. Ethics of Ethnographic Methods in Conflict Zones. Journal of Peace Research, 58:3, 329-341.
Krause, Jana. 2020. Restrained or Constrained? Elections, Communal Conflicts and Variation in Sexual Violence.Journal of Peace Research 57:1, 185-198 .
2020 Nils Petter Gleditsch Article of the Year Award, Journal of Peace Research
Krause, Jana. 2019. Stabilization and Local Conflicts: Communal and Civil War in South Sudan. Ethnopolitics, 18:5, 478-493.
Krause, Jana. 2019. Gender Dimensions of (Non)Violence in Communal Conflict: The Case of Jos, Nigeria.Comparative Political Studies, 52:10, 1466-499.
| Ethics & Methods Appendix
Krause, Jana, Werner Krause and Piia Braenfors. 2018. Women's Participation in Peace Negotiations and the Durability of Peace. International Interactions, 44:6, 985-1016. | Replication Data | Policy Brief
Krause, Jana. 2017. Non-Violence and Civilian Agency in Communal War: Evidence from Jos, Nigeria. African Affairs,116 (463): 261-283.
Krause, Jana and Cynthia Enloe. 2015. A Wealth of Expertise and Lived Experience: Conversations between International Women Peace Activists at the Women Lead to Peace Summit preceding the Geneva II Peace Talks on Syria, January 2014. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 17:2.
Carbonnier, Gilles, Fritz Brugger and Jana Krause. 2011. Global and Local Policy Responses to the Resource Trap. Global Governance, 17:2, 247-264.
Book Chapters
Krause, Jana. Forthcoming. Civilian Protection Monitoring in War and Ceasefire Contexts: Evidence from Myanmar’s Kachin and Karen States. In: Krause, Jana, Juan Masullo, Emily Paddon-Rhoads and Jennifer Welsh (eds): Civilian Protective Agency in Violent Settings. Oxford University Press. (Post-print)
Krause, Jana, Juan Masullo and Emily Paddon-Rhoads. Forthcoming. Introduction. In: Krause, Jana, Juan Masullo, Emily Paddon-Rhoads and Jennifer Welsh (eds): Civilian Protective Agency in Violent Settings. Oxford University Press.
Krause, Jana and Louise Olsson. Forthcoming. Women's Participation in Peace Processes. In MacGinty, Roger and Anthony Wanis-St.John (eds): Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Violence and Peace Processes. Palgrave Macmillan. (Post-print)
Chappuis, Fairlie and Jana Krause. 2019. Ethics and Research Dilemmas in Dangerous Places: Exploring Security Actors, Institutions and Practices in Conflict-Affected Countries. In Marieke de Goede, Polly Pallister-Wilkins and Esme Bosma: Secrecy and Methods in Security Research. London: Routledge.
Gizelis, Theodora-Ismene and Jana Krause. 2015. Gender Equality and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Revisiting Gender Mainstreaming in Research and Policy. In: Gizelis, T-I. and L. Olsson (eds): Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UNSCR 1325. Routledge, 2015 (with Theodora-Ismene Gizelis). (Post-print)
Krause, Jana. 2015. Revisiting Protection from Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: Actors, Victims and Power. In: Gizelis, T-I. and L. Olsson (eds): Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UNSCR 1325. Routledge 2015. (Post-print)
Krause, Jana. 2011. Die Konstruktion religiöser Gewalt im Kontext des Regimewechsels in Indonesien und Nigeria. In: Stephanie Garling/ Simon W. Fuchs (eds), Religion in Diktatur und Demokratie, Villigster Profile, Wuppertal.
Mani, Rama and Jana Krause. 2009. Democratic Governance. In: Vincent Chetail (ed), Post-Conflict Pecebuilding. A Lexicon. Oxford University Press. 2009.
Policy Briefs and Policy Papers
Krause, Jana. 2020. Women, Peace and Security: Prevention and Resolution of Communal Conflicts. Joint Brief Series 'New Insights on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) for the Next Decade', Folke Bernadotte Academy, Peace Research Institute Oslo and UN Women.
Crippa, Lorenzo, Theodora-Ismene Gizelis, Jana Krause and Paul Minoletti. 2020. Differences in Citizens' Budget Preferences in Myanmar: Evidence from a New Survey. Myanmar Institute of Gender Studies, forthcoming.
Krause, Jana. 2018. Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations and the Durability of Peace. Research Brief, Conflict, Security and Development Research Group, King’s College London.
Krause, Jana. 2014. Prevention of Conflict-related Sexual Violence: What does Academic Research tell us?’in Prevention of Wartime Rape, Panel Discussion Report from the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, Global Diplomatic Forum.
Krause, Jana. 2011. A Deadly Cycle: Ethno-Religious Conflict in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. Geneva: Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, (65pp).
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