PhD Candidate, Faculty of Education, York University, Canada
I have worked in education for over 15 years, in the capacity of teaching, student services, leadership and research in K-12 and higher education. Currently I am a full-time PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education at York University. My research interests are in engineering ethics education, philosophy of technology and ethics as pedagogy. My PhD research is tied to a cross-institutional research project with researchers from the University of Manitoba, University of Waterloo, Memorial University and York University. We are investigating technological stewardship and pedagogy within and beyond the Technological Stewardship Practice Program which was launched by the Engineering Change Lab and MaRS Discovery District. Additionally, I teach a first year engineering ethics, creative problem solving and communications course at the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University, and I sit on the Joint APPRC-ASCP Task Force on the Future of Pedagogy at York University. Prior to beginning my PhD, I was a Senior Manager, Education Planning and Development at Toronto Metropolitan University where I led culture change related to advancing pedagogy and ethics in engineering education.
ChatGPT: Student insights are necessary to help universities plan for the future
Mar 28, 2023 14:10 pm UTC| Technology
With the launch of ChatGPT to the public, post-secondary institutions are aware of the seismic impact this could have on both the business and art of education. Educators emotions have ranged from intrigue and...
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