Star Wars: escapist fantasy or dream of the future?
Dec 11, 2015 14:51 pm UTC| Entertainment
In certain corners of the internet a modern myth celebrates the idea that Ben Rich, the former CEO of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works the legendary and highly secretive wing of Lockheed Martin concerned with aircraft...
Dec 03, 2015 09:49 am UTC| Research & Analysis Entertainment
The European gaming industry will see modest growth in gaming turnover, or wagers, supported by stable economic conditions in the euro area, says Moodys Investors Service. The rating agencys outlook on the industry is...
Zoolander 2 'transphobic' trailer prompts comparisons with blackface
Dec 02, 2015 12:02 pm UTC| Business Entertainment
Paramount Pictures recently announced that the trailer for their hotly anticipated sequel to Zoolander is the most successful comedy trailer launch of all time. Notching up 52.2 million hits in its first week, the trailers...
Miss World Canada: Chinese Government Barred Me From Miss World Competition For Political Reasons
Nov 27, 2015 13:14 pm UTC| Entertainment
Miss Canada Anastasia Lin, a Chinese-born Canadian citizen, has been denied permission to enter China to compete in the Miss World beauty pageant. She said she was unable to board her connecting flight from Hong Kong after...
Why academics need to keep up with the Kardashians
Nov 26, 2015 14:26 pm UTC| Entertainment
Kimposium!, an academic symposium I organised at Brunel about all things Kardashian, sold out. And why would it not, given the levels of interest that this family generates? But there is some dismay at the idea of...
Cultural boycott of Israel creating ripples among artists
Nov 26, 2015 08:26 am UTC| Business Entertainment
Adalah-NY has released a video featuring eight artists who have come forward to support the cultural boycott of Israel. Since April 2004, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s