When the culinary-themed anime series returns with its fifth installment, fans will be meeting a new group of characters under an association called Les Cuisiniers Noirs or The Midnight Chefs. They will play an important role in the most part of the "Food Wars" season 5 that will test Soma and the other Elite Ten Council members with an all-new level of challenge.
'Food Wars' season 5 plot: Who are the Les Cuisiniers Noirs and what threat do they pose
The Promotions Exam Arc revolved around the Rebel Alliance’s goal of saving Totsuki Culinary Academy from Azami Nakiri and the Central. Now that they have successfully done that, they will be facing a new challenge that threatens the entire culinary world in "Food Wars" season 5.
"Food Wars" season 5 will begin with Erina sending Soma and Megumi to a trip where they have to investigate what has been causing a ruckus for the local diners and restaurants. This investigation leads to the discovery that the Midnight Chefs have made their way into Japan, but the identity of their leader will remain hidden for some time.
Unlike the usual chefs that the series introduced, those that belong in this group are not familiar to the public. That does not mean they lack the skills of a great chef. They are extremely talented as the students of Totsuki. However, instead of working at restaurants, they work for crime organizations where one wrong move could cost them their lives. It is this very tense working environment with which they are accustomed to that makes them intimidating opponents in a shokugeki.
Fighting them in a shokugeki is somewhat unique because they go after the favorite cooking tools of their opponent. Erina, Soma, and the rest of the Elite Ten Council are facing a new level of threat in "Food Wars" season 5 because Midnight Chefs do not hesitate to carry out dirty tactics in order to win in cooking competitions.
'Food Wars' season 5 release date, episode count
The release of "Food Wars" season 5 was confirmed last month. New episodes are slated to premiere in the spring. Considering the remaining manga chapters that the Fifth Plate will cover, this is likely the final anime installment, possibly with only 12 or 13 episodes. "Food Wars" season 5 will be released sometime in April.