“Samurai 8: Hachimaruden” is the much-anticipated new manga by renowned creator Masashi Kishimoto, the man behind the “Naruto” series. While Kishimoto has a hand in the creation of “Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,” its whole world is still set on the same backdrop of the original story.
Thus, fans of the creator have been curious what other projects Kishimoto have been up to given that “Naruto” ended five years ago. Enter “Samurai 8: Hachimaruden,” a world where Japanese culture and the sci-fi genre has been merged together, filled in between with mysterious characters and advance technology.
The manga has been set for release on May 13, and the first chapter has been confirmed to have 72 pages, Omnitos reported. Although this may sound like a lot, it’s typical for new manga to have extended pages like this and “Samurai 8: Hachimaruden” is simply following the format.
As the weeks go by, the pages are excepted to slowly dwindle to 25-35 in the initial chapters, and would eventually settle to a comfortable pace of 15-20 pages. So what’s the plot for “Samurai 8: Hachimaruden?”
That’s yet unknown at the moment as Kishimoto is keeping everything under wraps. However, we do know that Kishimoto will be handling the story’s progression, while illustration will be overseen by his former assistant Akira Okubo. A preview for “Samurai 8: Hachimaruden” has been confirmed to appear in the Weekly Shonen Jump on April 27. This teaser is reported to have 4 pages – one being colorized while the rest are in black and white.
Kishimoto said that he’s been working hard in fleshing out all the elements of this new series and gave it his best to make sure that it’ll be more interesting than the world of “Naruto.” There’s also a teaser clip released for “Samurai 8: Hachimaruden” and it appears that a young boy with a robotic-augmented body will be the main protagonist for the series. Unfortunately, nothing substantial has been revealed in the teaser clip, although it does provide drive home the technological advancement of this new and exciting world.