Briferendum series: What will exactly happen if UK votes 'leave'
Mar 03, 2016 09:46 am UTC| Commentary
What will happen if UK chooses to exit EU? Vote on EU referendum is scheduled on June 23rd, 2016 and if Britons do vote in favor of exiting that will automatically invoke Article 50 negotiations of Lisbon Treaty. So...
Mar 03, 2016 08:59 am UTC| Insights & Views
The stage is now set for the British people to vote on whether they want to remain in the European Union or to leave. Campaigners backing a Brexit would like to pretend that freedom from the meddling union is just a ballot...
Is Britain safer in or out of the European Union? This one's a no brainer
Feb 29, 2016 17:34 pm UTC| Insights & Views
Ever since the Islamic State assault on Paris in November 2015, Brexit campaigners have sought to draw a link between Britains partnership with Europe, and the vulnerability of its cities to similar attacks. In the days...
Briferendum series: Brexit is a threat for EU too
Feb 29, 2016 12:25 pm UTC| Commentary
Brexit debate so far has been concentrated too much over UK as if an exit from European Union would only open up the devil for Britain and rest of the Europe will thrive. If anyone has any notion of such, they can throw...
Briferendum series: Weaker Pound strengthens in camp’s arguments
Feb 29, 2016 06:59 am UTC| Commentary
Last week pound ended down -3.6%, its worst week since 2008/09 crisis. Pounds terrible performance decline from 1.44 area against Dollar is strengthening David Prime Minister David Camerons in camp group, who are as of now...
Fact Check: Is the EU deal legally binding?
Feb 26, 2016 04:53 am UTC| Law
This is an international law declaration. Its an agreement that 28 nations have signed in good faith. Its a step forward. The prime minister negotiated in good faith and hes achieved, what I consider to be, an improvement...
Market focus to shift from cyclical as Brexit highlights UK’s structural shortcomings
Feb 25, 2016 09:27 am UTC| Insights & Views
GBP selling continues despite a decline in support among UK voters to leave the EU. GBPs price action suggests that the market is already worrying about the EU referendum and the associated threat of Brexit. Markets are...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s