FxWirePro: A glimpse on hedging scenario as 3M Cable IVs spiking higher ahead of Briferendum
Mar 24, 2016 13:57 pm UTC| Technicals
Risk reversals: Demand for GBP puts/USD calls have spiked on fears of UK exit from the EU. The likelihood of the significant brexit will likely keep pressure on the UK currency through the foreseeable future, while key...
Briferendum series: Big shifts in options market, dwarfs Pound’s drop at spot
Mar 24, 2016 12:10 pm UTC| Insights & Views
Pound just snapped back from critical low against Dollar today around 1.406 area but price actions clearly suggests vulnerabilities remain. Over the past five days, Pound has dropped more than 400 pips against...
Brussels assassination not only threatens exodus but also enhance "Brexit risks"
Mar 22, 2016 15:42 pm UTC| Commentary
Last month, David Cameron, scheduled referendum on the countrys membership of the European Union on June 23rd. After this announcement, the lingering renegotiation of the current conditions of Britains membership at a...
Moody’s threatens UK credit rating over budget
Mar 22, 2016 09:26 am UTC| Commentary
Sterling sorrow is just not getting over. After blasts in Brussels, which is likely to weaken pro-campaigners and strengthen exit calls, credit rating agency has warned on UKs rating over budget, adding fresh pressure on...
Moody's: Brexit poses manageable credit challenges for UK and EU
Mar 22, 2016 00:25 am UTC| Research & Analysis
The economic costs of the UK leaving the European Union would outweigh the potential benefits and would have credit implications for a range of bond issuers, including the UK government, banks, insurers and non-financial...
Brexit uncertainties unlikely to cause sharp sell-off in CEE assets
Mar 21, 2016 15:36 pm UTC| Commentary
While Emerging Markets in 3Q15 recorded the strongest portfolio capital outflows since 2008, CEE managed to avoid heavy sell-offs. The total amount of portfolio capital inflows to CEE even increased in 3Q15, supported by...
Briferendum series: Winning by thin margin may be politically destabilizing
Mar 18, 2016 11:31 am UTC| Commentary
Prime Minister, David Cameron, knowing or unknowingly opened up the Pandoras Box by suggesting the referendum. Lot is at stake here… Future of European Union. Future of UK But which the financial media...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s