Briferendum Series: Carney defends BOE’s right to speak on Brexit
Apr 20, 2016 10:41 am UTC| Commentary Central Banks
Bank of England (BOE) governor Mark Carney, while speaking last night, defended the central banks right to speak on Brexit and warn as necessary from the uncertainties that may arise from the event. Over the past weeks,...
Can we believe what the Treasury says about the cost of Brexit?
Apr 19, 2016 06:53 am UTC| Insights & Views Central Banks
Theres a high price to be paid if Britain leaves the European Union, according to the UKs Treasury forecasts. Leaving the EU would cost the average household 4,300 per year, it is suggested. But Chancellor George Osborne...
Government pro-Europe leaflet didn't swing voters in 1975 – and probably won't in 2016
Apr 18, 2016 11:49 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Back in 1975, when Harold Wilsons Labour government wanted to persuade voters of the merits of staying in the European Economic Community (EEC), they sent out a pamphlet Britains New Deal in Europe to every household in...
Who can vote in the EU referendum?
Apr 18, 2016 06:30 am UTC| Insights & Views
With turnout expected to be high, who gets to vote in the EU referendum is an important matter. But who exactly gets to take part? The simple answer is: if you are eligible to vote in Westminster elections, you are...
Briferendum Series: Sturgeon threatens referendum upon Brexit
Apr 18, 2016 06:25 am UTC| Commentary Politics
Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Nicola Sturgeon has warned that Scotland should get another referendum if Britons vote in favor of exiting the European Union, thus bringing Scotland out of EU, against the will of...
How Brexit will reduce foreign investment in the UK – and why that matters
Apr 15, 2016 15:25 pm UTC| Insights & Views
Foreign investors love Britain, but Brexit would kill the vibe. According to new research colleagues and I have conducted at the Centre for Economic Performance, leaving the European Union could lead to a fall in inward...
Briferendum Series: London School of Economics alarms on FDI in case of exit
Apr 15, 2016 11:36 am UTC| Commentary
After Labour party leader warned against Brexit saying that UK is better off in the reformed union, London School of Economics is the latest to warn on Brexit. According to the Schools research, Brexit would hurt FDI to...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s