

Alcohol bans and law and order responses to crime in Alice Springs haven't worked in the past, and won't work now

Jan 26, 2023 11:57 am UTC| Law

Since colonisation, interventions to curb Aboriginal crime and alcohol have been deployed to control and harm First Nations communities and people. Nowhere is this more true than in the Northern Territory. When these...

US sues Google for abusing dominant position in digital ads biz

Jan 26, 2023 06:10 am UTC| Law Economy Business Technology

The US Justice Department sued Google for anticompetitive, exclusionary, and unlawful means to eliminate competition in the digital advertising business, insisting it should sell its ad manager suite, Google argued...

Q&A: Why are the Scottish and UK governments going to court over gender recognition laws?

Jan 24, 2023 07:39 am UTC| Law

The Scottish and UK governments are heading to court over a plan to change the law in Scotland to make it easier for people to change their legal gender. We asked a legal expert to explain what the dispute is about and why...

More means less: Extended copyright benefits the corporate few, not the public

Jan 24, 2023 05:32 am UTC| Law

Who benefits from Canadas recent extension of copyright? Dead authors? Students? Marginalized writers? If you answered no to all of these, youd be correct. At the beginning of January, Canada extended its copyright...

FTX wins court approval to hire bankruptcy lawyers amid conflicts concerns

Jan 23, 2023 23:25 pm UTC| Law

A US judge approved FTXs hiring of Sullivan Cromwell as legal advisers in its bankruptcy case aafter the collapsed crypto exchange had resolved the U.S. Department of Justices concerns about potential conflicts of...

Abbott faces criminal probe over baby formula

Jan 23, 2023 22:56 pm UTC| Law Health Economy Business

Abbott Laboratories faces a criminal investigation by the Justice Department, after its recall of formulas due to complaints of bacterial infections exacerbated a shortage that began due to pandemic-induced supply chain...

Coca-Cola sued on allegations of high toxic PFAS levels in Simply Orange Juice

Jan 23, 2023 05:25 am UTC| Economy Business Law Health

Coca-Cola is facing a lawsuit over claims that its Simply Orange Juice contains high levels of toxic chemicals known as PFAS, or forever chemicals. According to the plaintiff, Joseph Lurenz, the beverage company...

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For the next prime minister to solve the UK’s productivity problem, they must attract more foreign investment – here’s how

The British economy has a serious productivity problem that will have to be addressed by the next government. According to data from the OECD (the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), productivity...

Brexit boredom is one thing – but there’s a real problem when Britain’s leaders won’t even talk about Europe anymore

British politics has, in recent years, been plagued by two competing forces when it comes to Europe. On one side, there is an understanding that the UK and the EU need to rub along, because of their proximity and...

Space arms race may be underway

As conflict rages on Earth, an arms race may be underway in outer space. On May 30, a US diplomat warned that Russia had launched a weapon into orbit, something Russias deputy foreign minister, Sergey Ryabkov, branded as...

Mauritius’ next growth phase: a new plan is needed as the tax haven era fades

Mauritians will head to the polls by November 2024 and politicians are considering the economic direction of the island country. For the last two decades, the countrys economic growth has depended heavily on its...

Canadians are feeling increasingly powerless amid economic struggles and rising inequality

If you feel like youre being pushed around in life, youre not alone. Our recent research has found that Canadians are increasingly feeling a sense of powerlessness in their lives. This sentiment has been steadily...


Three ways politicians always promise to raise money without increasing taxes – and why they rarely deliver

After weeks of controversy over Labour and Conservative costings in which each side accused the other of dishonesty the manifestos show that both parties had wildly exaggerated their rivals plans. But there has been...

Election 2024: migrants aren’t to blame for Britain’s housing crisis

Migration has become the most toxic issue in British politics, driving intensely emotional debates that are often based on prejudice and misunderstanding. Similarly emotional is housing a finite resource in high demand at...

How Vladimir Putin projects his image as a modern-day Peter the Great

Russian energy giant Gazprom is reported to have been hit particularly hard by sanctions imposed as a result of the war with Ukraine. An internal report obtained and published by the Financial Times has forecast that the...

Another election, another round of Nigel Farage hype, with no lessons learned

Nigel Farage, a man who has never been elected to the House of Commons despite years of trying, has again been allowed to set the agenda in the UK. Ten years after Ukip won the European parliament elections, throwing...


Japan Discovers 230 Million Ton Manganese Deposits, Boosting EV Battery Industry

Japan has discovered 230 million tonnes of manganese deposits near Minami-Torishima Island, potentially transforming its EV battery industry by significantly reducing reliance on imports and providing enough cobalt and...

Keeping astronauts healthy in space isn’t easy − new training programs will prepare students to perform medicine while thousands of miles away from Earth

In the coming decade, more people will go to space than ever before as human spaceflight enters a new era. NASA, the European Space Agency and other governmental agencies are partnering to develop crewed missions beyond...

Nations realise they need to take risks or lose the race to the Moon

The Nasa-led Artemis-3 mission will place the first human boots on the surface of the Moon since Apollo 17s Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt left the lunar surface in December 1972. The goal of the Artemis programme is...

Some of Earth’s most ancient lifeforms can live on hydrogen – and we can learn from their chemical powers

Three-quarters of all matter in the universe is made up of hydrogen. The young Earth was also rich in hydrogen, thanks to fierce geological and volcanic activity. Just as stars burn hydrogen to produce heat and light...


Carnival CEO Praises Starlink as a 'Game-Changer' for Cruise Connectivity

During the second-quarter earnings call, Carnival Corporation CEO Josh Weinstein recently lauded Starlinks high-speed internet connectivity. He emphasized that Starlink has significantly enhanced operational systems and...

Bitcoin Set for Strong July Recovery Despite Mt. Gox Repayment Concerns

Bitcoin is anticipated to exhibit strong performance in July following a nearly 7% decline in June. Despite concerns over Mt. Gox repayments, historical data shows an average 7.42% gain in July, hinting at a potential...

Apple to Begin Mass Production of AirPods with Cameras by 2026, Says Ming-Chi Kuo

According to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple plans to massively produce AirPods with camera modules by 2026. These AirPods will feature voice isolation and other advanced functionalities to enhance user experience. Apple to...

TSMC's Arizona Expansion to Boost Chip Production, Impact Local Economy

TSMCs expansion in Arizona is set to boost chip production and stimulate the local economy. Despite concerns over its impact on Taiwan, experts predict the new fabs will contribute less than 10% to TSMCs global...
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