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Jamie Dimon Warns of Likely U.S. Recession, JPMorgan Raises Economic Downturn Forecast

Jamie Dimon warns of an impending U.S. recession as JPMorgan raises its downturn forecast to 35%. Credit: EconoTimes

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon reiterated his concern that a U.S. recession is likely, citing persistent economic uncertainties. In response, JPMorgan has increased its recession forecast for 2024 to 35%, reflecting heightened apprehension about the nation's economic outlook amid market volatility.

Jamie Dimon Cautions on U.S. Economic Outlook, Predicts Recession Likely Amid Persistent Uncertainties

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, reiterated his conviction that the United States economy will likely experience a recession. Dimon cited a variety of uncertainties, including housing, geopolitics, and expenditure, all of which have been thoroughly analyzed. In the interim, JPMorgan has increased the probability of a downturn in the United States this year, providing a comprehensive understanding of the current economic situation.

In a recent report by News, on August 7, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, reiterated his belief that a recession is the most probable outcome for the U.S. economy. He also maintained his belief that the probability of a "soft landing" is only 35% to 40%. Dimon underscored the persistent uncertainties that markets are currently experiencing during an interview with CNBC, stating:

“There’s a lot of uncertainty out there. I’ve always pointed to geopolitics, housing, the deficits, the spending, the quantitative tightening, the elections, all these things cause some consternation in markets.”

He acknowledged that the economy has performed better than anticipated despite maintaining a cautious outlook.

Dimon, who has consistently forewarned of economic challenges since 2022, further stated that the United States is not presently in a recession even though credit-card borrower defaults are rising. He is, however, skeptical about the Federal Reserve's capacity to lower inflation to its 2% objective due to anticipated future spending pressures. The CEO of JPMorgan Chase concluded:

“There’s always a large range of outcomes. I’m fully optimistic that if we have a mild recession, even a harder one, we would be okay,” Dimon concluded, underlining the potential for resilience in the face of a recession and instilling confidence in the audience.

JPMorgan Raises 2024 U.S. Recession Odds to 35% Amid Market Volatility and Economic Concerns

In the meantime, JPMorgan has increased its projection for the probability of a U.S. recession in 2024 to 35%, indicative of the increasing apprehensions regarding the nation's economic well-being in recent market volatility. JPMorgan's chief global economist, Bruce Kasman, provided clients with this information in a note on August 7. He underscored that the revised figure represents a substantial increase from the bank's midyear estimate of 25%. The economic landscape has been altered by shifts in inflationary pressures and a declining labor market, which Kasman attributed to the heightened recession risk. The bank also maintained its 45% probability of a recession by the second half of 2025.

JPMorgan is not the sole entity on Wall Street anticipating this outcome. Goldman Sachs also raised its forecast from 15% to 25%, stressing that the Federal Reserve's decision to reduce rates or purchase bonds could prevent a recession. This demonstrated proactive measures to mitigate the recession and instilled hope in the audience.

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